ࡱ> P{`bjbjFF,,v(%a pννν8\b<h"(X$hS (5(S=???l:???|,2 НVν~4S0W!CW!$2W!2 9?+\d((dd* *   TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u   HYPERLINK \l "_Toc89764530" Content:  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc89764531" 1.1 Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc89764531 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc89764532" 1.2 The procedures  PAGEREF _Toc89764532 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc89764533" 1.3 Voting rules of the Council  PAGEREF _Toc89764533 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc89764534" 1.4 The legislative instruments of the Union  PAGEREF _Toc89764534 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc89764535" ANNEX:  PAGEREF _Toc89764535 \h 8  Introduction The purpose of this note is to give a brief presentation of the development in scope and functioning of the legislative procedures of the European Union from the present treaties to the Constitutional Treaty. The Constitutional Treaty first and foremost promotes the principle of European Union legislation being a joint task of the Council and the European Parliament. This is done by putting the Parliament on equal footing with the Council as co-legislator in a number of new policy fields. The Constitutional Treaty doesnt change the present legislative procedures of the EU as such. It abolishes the co-operation procedure, but maintains the present co-decision procedure, consultation procedure, assent procedure and certain other specialised procedures, but under new names. It is proposed that the co-decision procedure in the future shall be referred to as the ordinary legislative procedure, because this will be the predominant way of adopting European Union legislation. The remaining procedures will as the general rule maintain the Council as the main legislative body and simply be referred to as specialised legislative procedures, without distinguishing between whether the European Parliament is consulted, asked for consent or not involved at all. The note will primarily focus on the changes in the scope of the legislative procedures proposed in the Constitutional Treaty, but will also briefly touch upon some changes proposed to the functioning of these - such as the introduction of the new double majority voting system in the Council. Annexed to this note is a table giving a complete overview of all legal bases in the Constitutional Treaty which enables the Council and the Parliament to adopt legislative acts. The table indicates the proposed procedures for each legal base as well as the current procedures with regards to the: Influence of the European Parliament Voting method of the Council When this is said, one should of course always recall treating estimations based on mere numbers cautiously. They can be misleading, because the individual legal bases of the treaties are used very differently in terms of frequency and have different political significance and weight. The procedures The ordinary legislative procedure The ordinary legislative procedure, which enables the Council and the European Parliament to adopt legislative acts jointly, will with the coming into force of the Constitutional Treaty become the predominant way of adopting EU-legislation. The procedure will be applied in 73% (84) of all policy areas, which means a significant strengthening of the influence of the European Parliament. The European Parliament becomes the Councils co-legislator in 50 new areas, which covers both new policy areas and areas where Parliament today is either only consulted or not involved in the legislative process at all. This includes for instance the Common agricultural policy, the common fisheries policy, judicial cooperation in criminal matters, police cooperation and Europol, etc. Ordinary legislative procedure (III-396) The ordinary legislative procedure implies that if Council and Parliament have not reached an agreement after having each completed two readings of a Commission proposal, the proposal shall be referred to a conciliation committee composed of an equal number of representatives of the Council and the Parliament. It is then the task of the conciliation committee to try to strike a deal between the two delegations, which can be accepted by the Council and the Parliament. The Council takes all decisions under the ordinary legislative procedure with a qualified majority, whereas the Parliament needs a simple majority of the votes cast during first and third readings. However during second readings an absolute majority of Parliaments component members are needed if it wishes to reject or amend the Councils position.  Promote direct dialogue Without changing the ordinary legislative procedure as such, the Constitutional Treaty tries to facilitate the procedure by encouraging direct contacts between the two legislative branches. The Parliament and the Council are in a new article called upon to consult each other and by common agreement make arrangements for their cooperation throughout the legislative process by concluding (binding) inter-institutional agreements. However, this is not a new practise. The article is in reality a consolidation of already existing practises of concluding inter-institutional agreements on better lawmaking and organising informal direct contacts between the institutions throughout the legislative process in the so-called trialogues. The specialised legislative procedures There will remain 31 policy areas in the Constitutional Treaty, where the Council is maintained as the main legislative body and where the European Parliament is, as the general rule, only consulted. This includes among other things measures for the harmonisation of legislation concerning turnover taxes, certain measures in relation to social security and social protection of workers or family law with cross-border implications. However there are also a number of policy field where Parliament is empowered to give its consent. This means that the approval of Parliament is required in one single reading before Council can enact a decision. Parliament cannot put forward amendments, but only approve or reject. This procedure will among other things be used for the adoption of measures to combat discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, to create additional rights for the citizens of the EU or to set up the European Public prosecutor. Finally the Constitutional Treaty foresees a number of specialised procedures, where it is the European Parliament that holds the right of initiative and the final right of approval and the Council that gives its consent. This applies among other things to the adoption of measures for the election of members of the European Parliament, regulations governing the performance of the duties of the members of the European Parliament or general conditions governing the performance of the European Ombudsmans duties. Voting rules of the Council Scope The general voting method in the Council for legislative acts will be qualified majority (QMV) with the coming into force of the Constitutional Treaty. QMV will be used in 80% of all policy fields (92). Voting procedures are proposed changed from unanimity to QMV in 25 policy fields, while introduced in 22 new areas. Only in a small number of sensitive areas (23) will the Council maintain unanimity. This includes among other things adoption of legislation concerning turnover taxes, establishment of new (or abolition of) own resources for the EU, the creation of additional rights to the European Union citizens or certain measures concerning social security and the social protection of workers. New voting method The Constitutional Treaty calls for a change of the functioning of the voting methods of the Council. A new double majority system is proposed to replace the qualified majority system, which was introduced with the Nice Treaty, but doesnt come into force before 1 January 2005. Under this new double majority system a qualified majority shall represent at least 55% of the Member States in the Council comprising at least 15 of them representing Member States comprising at least 65% of the total population of the Union. The qualified majority according to the Nice Treaty in EU-25 requires the support of the majority of the Member States representing at least 232 votes out of 321. Additionally a Member State may request verification that the Member States behind the QMV represent at least 62% of the total population of EU-25. Table I: Qualified majority in the Council: Voting weights today (until 31 December 2004)Voting weights in NICE (From 1 January 2005)Population in EU 25 2003Population share in EU-25 in 2003 (relevant for Constitutional Treaty and NICE)Share of countries in EU-25 (relevant fort Constitutional Treaty)Belgium51210.396.4002.27%4%Czech Republic51210.211.5002.23%4%Denmark375.397.6001.18%4%Germany102982.531.70018.00%4%Estonia341.350.6000.29%4%Greece51211.041.102.41%4%Spain82742.345.3009.23%4%France102961.684.70013.45%4%Ireland374.027.5000.88%4%Italy102957.888.20012.62%4%Cyprus24730.4000.16%4%Latvia342.319.2000.51%4%Lithuania373.445.9000.75%4%Luxembourg24451.6000.10%4%Hungary51210.116.7002.21%4%Malta23399.9000.09%4%Netherlands51316.258.0003.55%4%Austria4108.114.0001.77%4%Poland82738.190.6008.33%4%Portugal51210.474.7002.28%4%Slovenia341.996.4000.44%4%Slovakia375.380.1001.17%4%Finland375.219.7001.14%4%Sweden4108.975.7001.96%4%United Kingdom102959.651.500 13.07%4%TOTAL POPULATION119321458.599.300100%100%QUALIFIED MAJORITY88232 and a majority of Member States65% (298.089.350) (Constitutional Treaty) 62% (284.331.400) (Nice Treaty)55% and 15 Member States The legislative instruments of the Union The Constitutional Treaty proposes that two types of legal acts shall be reserved for the legislative work of the EU in the future; European Union laws European Union framework laws European Union laws shall, as it is currently the case with regulations, have general application and be binding in their entirety and directly applicable in all 25 Member States. European framework laws shall, as directives be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed. The latter leave it to the Member States to decide the form and method of their transposition. According to the Constitutional Treaty all draft legislative acts shall be transmitted directly to the European Parliament, the Council and the national Parliaments. They will as the main rule be adopted jointly by the Parliament and the Council in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure. National Parliaments shall ensure the legislative proposals compliance with the principle of subsidiarity. TABLE II: Number of unique Commission proposals for regulations, directives and decisions for the adoption by European Parliament and the Council or just by the Council Year/ doc.typeDirectivesRegulationsDecisionsTotal1995692791344821996622431334381997542281504321998632302044971999381722064162000662202114992001471782214462002541882054472003572082094742004 *)48170228446 *) Documents registered in the CELEX database on 11 November 2004 All other legal acts such as regulations, decisions and recommendations will be reserved for non-legislative activities such as exercising delegated or implementing powers - and therefore be defined as non-legislative. Regulations and decisions will be legally binding, while recommendations shall be non-binding. ANNEX: Overview of legal bases in the Constitutional Treaty where the ordinary legislative procedure will be applied Legal bases in PART I of the Constitutional Treaty New or old procedure?ArticleDecision-making procedure todayRole of the European Parliament today1I-37, p. 3: Control by Member States of the Commissions exercise of implementing powers. (TEC art. 202) UnanimityConsultation2New articleI-47, p.4: Rules for Citizens initiative3I-50, p.3: General principles and limits to the right of access of documents. (TEC art. 255, p.2)  QMVCo-decision4New articleI-51, p.2: Rules relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by Union institutions.QMVCo-decision Legal bases in PART III of the Constitutional Treaty New or old procedure?ArticleDecision-making procedure todayRole of the European Parliament today5New articleIII-122: Principles and conditions for services of general economic interest.6III-123: Rules to prohibit discrimination on grounds of nationality. (TEC art. 12) QMVCo-decision7III-124, p.2: Basic principles for Union incentive measures to support action taken by Member States to fight discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. (TEC art. 13 p.2)QMVCo-decision8III-125, p.1: Facilitation of the exercise of the right to move and reside freely. (TEC art. 18, p.2) QMVCo-decision9III-134: Freedom of movement for workers. (TEC art. 40) QMVCo-decision10III-136: Social security for migrant workers and their dependants (emergency break). (TEC art. 42)UnanimityCo-decision11III-138, p.1: Attainment of freedom of establishment. (TEC art 44 p1) QMVCo-decision12III-139: Exemptions from certain activities in the Member States in relation to the freedom of establishment. (TEC art 45) QMVNone13III-140, p.2: Coordination of national provisions providing for special treatment of foreign nationals. (TEC art 46) QMVCo-decision14III-141: Facilitation of taking up and pursuing activities as self-employed persons (including mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications) (TEC art 47) Partly unanimity and partly QMV.Co-decision15III-144: Extension of the freedom to provide services to nationals of a third State. (TEC art. 49)QMVNone16III-147, p.1: Measures to achieve the liberalisation of a specific service. (TEC art 52, p.1) QMVConsultation17III-152: Measures to strengthen customs cooperation. (TEC art 135) QMVCo-decision18III-157, p.2: Measures on the movement of capital to or from third countries. (TEC art. 57, p.2) QMVNone19New articleIII-160: Framework for administrative measures with regard to capital movements and payment with the objective of preventing and combating terrorism and related activities.20III-172, p.1: Measures with the objective of the establishment and functioning of the internal market. (TEC art 95, p.1) QMVCo-decision21III-174: Elimination of distortions of the conditions of competition of the internal market. (TEC art. 96) QMVNone22New articleIII-176: Measures for the creation of European intellectual property rights protection. (TEC art. 308 has been used in the past)UnanimityConsultation23III-179, p.6: Rules for the multilateral surveillance procedure of Member States economic development, etc. (TEC art. 99, p.5) QMVCooperation procedure24III-187, p.3: Amendment of certain articles in the statute of the ECB and the ECBS. (TEC art. 107, p.5) Either unanimity or QMV depending on whether its based on a recommendation from the ECB or a proposal from the Commission.Assent25III-191: Measures necessary to use the euro as the single currency.26III-207: Incentive measures designed to encourage cooperation between Member States and to support their actions in the field of employment through the exchange of information and best practises. (TEC art. 129) QMVCo-decision27III-210, p.1 a) working environment, b) working conditions, e) consultation of workers, h)integration of persons excluded from the labour market, i) equality between men and women, j)combating social exclusion, k) modernisation of social protection systems. (TEC art 137 a), b), e), h), i), j) and k).) QMVCo-decision28III-214, p.3: Equal opportunities and equal treatment of women and men in matters of employment and occupation. (TEC 141,3) QMVCo-decision29III-219, p.3: Implementing measures relating to the European Social Fund. (TEC art. 148) QMVCo-decision30III-221: Specific measures outside the Structural Funds. (TEC art. 159) QMVCo-decision31III-223: Defining the tasks, the priority objectives and the organisation of the Structural Funds. (TEC art. 161)Unanimity, but QMV from 2007Assent32III-223: Setting up the Cohesion Fund. (TEC art. 161)Unanimity, but QMV from 2007Assent33III-224: Implementing measures relating to The European Regional Development Fund. (TEC art. 162QMVCo-decision34III-231, p.2: Common agricultural policy and the common fisheries policy. (TEC art. 37, p.2) QMVConsultation35III-234, p.1: Measures to achieve the objectives of the Unions policy on the environment. (TEC art. 175, p.1) QMVCo-decision36III-234, p.3: General action programmes within the field of environment. (TEC art. 175, p.3) QMVCo-decision37III-235, p.3: Consumer protection. (TEC art. 153, p.4) QMVCO-decision38III-236: Common transport policy. (TEC art. 71, p.1 and p.2.) QMV in art. 71, p.1 but unanimity in art, 71, p.2)Co-decision in art. 71, p.1, but consultation in art. 71, p.2.39III-245, p.2: Sea and air transport. (TEC art. 80, p.2) QMVCo-decision40III-247, p.2: Trans-European networks. (TEC art. 156)QMVCo-decision.41III-251, p.1: The multiannual framework programme for research and technological development. (TEC art. 166) QMVCo-decision41New articleIII-251, p.4: Measures necessary for the implementation of the European research area.42III-252, p.1: Implementation of the multiannual framework programme for research and technological development. (TEC art. 167) QMVCo-decision43III-252, p.2: Supplementary programmes for research and technological development involving certain Member States only. (TEC art. 168) QMVCO-decision44III-252, p.3: Participation in research and development programmes undertaken by several Member States. (TEC art. 169) QMVCo-decision45New articleIII-254, p.2: European space programme.46New articleIII-256, p.2: Measures to achieve objectives within the field of Energy. (TEC art. 95 has been used in the past)UnanimityConsultation47III-265, p.2: Controls on persons when crossing internal and external borders, etc. (TEC art. 62 and 67) Unanimity/QMVConsultation/Co-decision.48III-266, p.2: Asylum. (TEC art. 63, p.1 and 2 and 67) Unanimity/QMVConsultation/co-decision49III-267, p.2: Immigration. (TEC art. 63, p.3 and 4 and 67) UnanimityConsultation50New articleIII-267, p.4: Measures to provide incentive measures and support action of Member States with a view to promoting the integration of third-country nationals.51Partly new articleIII-269, p.2: Judicial cooperation in civil matters. (TEC art. 65 and 67)QMV - Unanimity in Council is however maintained with regard to measures concerning Family law with cross-border implications.Co-decision except measures concerning Family law, where EP is consulted.52III-270, p.1: Judicial cooperation in criminal matters; mutual recognition of judgements and judicial decisions. (TEU art. 31) UnanimityConsultation53New articleIII-270, p.2: Judicial cooperation in criminal matters; minimum rules concerning mutual admissibility of evidence between Member States, the rights of individuals in criminal procedures and the right of victims of crime.54III-271, p. 1: Minimum rules concerning the definition of criminal offences and sanctions in the areas of particular serious crime with a cross-border dimension. (TEU art. 31) UnanimityConsultation55New articleIII-271, p.2: Minimum rules with regard to the definition of criminal offences and sanctions in relation to the approximation of criminal laws and regulations of the Member States.56New articleIII-272: Measures to promote and support the action of Member States in the field of crime prevention.57New articleIII-273: Eurojust. (TEU art. 31) UnanimityConsultation58New articleIII-273: Arrangements for involving the European Parliament and national parliaments in the evaluation of Eurojusts activities.59III-275, p.2: Police cooperation. (TEU art. 30) UnanimityConsultation60New articleIII-276, p.2: Europol. (TEU art. 30) UnanimityConsultation61New articleIII-276, p. 2: Procedures for scrutiny of Europols activities by the European Parliament and national parliaments.62Partly new articleIII-278, p.4: Public health. (TEC art. 152, p.4) QMVCo-decision63New articleIII-278, p.5: Incentive measures designed to protect and improve human health and in particular to combat the major cross-border health scourges.64III-279, p.3: Competitiveness of the Unions industry. (TEC art. 157, p.3) QMVCo-decision65III-280, p.5: Incentive measures within the field of culture. (TEC art. 151, p.5) UnanimityCo-decision66New articleIII-281, p.2: Tourism. UnanimityConsultation67Partly new article.III-282, p.3: Incentive measures within the fields of education, youth and sport. (TEC art. 149, p.4) QMV68III-283, p.3: Vocational training. (TEC art. 150, p.4) QMVCo-decision69New articleIII-284, p.2: Civil protection. (TEC art. 308 has previously been used)UnanimityConsultation70New articleIII-285, p.2: Administrative cooperation.71Partly new article.III-315, p.2: Framework for implementing the common commercial policy. (TEC art. 133) QMVNone72III-317, p.1: Measures for the implementation of the development cooperation policy. (TEC art. 179, p.1) QMVCo-decision73III-319, p2: Economic financial and technical cooperation with third countries. (TEC art. 181a, p.2) QMVConsultation74New articleIII-321, p.3: Framework for the implementation of humanitarian aid.75New articleIII-321, p.5: Setting up the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps.76III-331: Regulations for the governing of the political parties at European level and their funding. (TEC art. 191) QMVCo-decision77III-359, p.1-2: Establishment of specialised courts. (TEC art. 225a) UnanimityConsultation78III-364: Confer on the Court of Justice of the European Union jurisdiction in disputes relating to application of acts adopted on the basis of the Constitution which create European intellectual property rights. (TEC art. 229a) Unanimity and ratification by national parliamentsConsultation79III-381: Amendment of certain provisions of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the EU. (TEC art. 245)UnanimityConsultation80New articleIII-398, p.2: Provisions that promote an open, efficient and independent European administration.81III-412: Financial rules for establishing and implementing the budget and for presenting and auditing accounts. (TEC art. 279) UnanimityConsultation82III-415, p.4: Prevention of and fight against fraud affecting the Unions financial interests. (TEC art. 280, p.4) QMVCo-decision83III-427: The Staff Regulations of officials and the conditions of Employment of other servants of the Union. (TEC art. 283)QMVConsultation84III-429: Measures for production of statistics. (TEC art. 285, p.1) QMVCo-decision Overview of policy areas in PART I where special legislative procedures will be applied New or old procedure?ArticleDecision-making procedure in the constitutional treaty/ Decision making procedures in existing treatyRole of the European Parliament in the constitutional treaty/role of the EP in existing treaty1I-18: Flexibility clause. (TEC art. 308) Unanimity/UnanimityConsent/ Consultation2I-54, p.3: New categories of own resources of the EU or abolition of existing categories. (TEC art. 269) Unanimity and ratification by national parliaments/Unanimity and ratification by national parliamentConsultation/Consultation3I-54, p.4: Implementing measures of the Unions own resources system. (TEC art. 269) QMV/Unanimity and ratification by national parliamentsConsent/consultation4New articleI-55, p.2: Multiannual financial framework.UnanimityConsent Overview of policy areas in PART III where special legislative procedures will be applied New or old procedure?ArticleDecision-making procedure in the constitutional treaty/ Decision making procedures in existing treatyRole of the European Parliament in the constitutional treaty/role of the EP in existing treaty5III-124, p.1: Measures needed to combat discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. (TEC art. 13, p.1) Unanimity/UnanimityConsent/consultation6New articleIII-125, p.2: Measures concerning passport, identity cards, residence permits or any other such document and measures concerning social security or social protection.UnanimityConsultation7III-126: The right to vote and stand as a candidate in municipal elections and elections to the European Parliament. (TEC art. 19, p.1 and 2)Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/consultation8New articleIII-127: Measures to facilitate diplomatic and consular protection of citizens of the Union in third countries.QMVConsultation9III-129: Additional rights to the citizens of the Union. (TEC art. 22) Unanimity and national ratification/Unanimity and national ratificationConsent/consultation10III-157, p.3: Measures which constitute a step backwards in Union law as regards the liberalisation of the movement of capital to or from third countries. (TEC art. 57, p.2)Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/non11III-171: Measures for the harmonisation of legislation concerning turnover taxes, excise duties. (TEC art. 93) Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/consultation12III-173: Approximation of laws, regulations or administrative provisions of the Member States as directly affect the establishment or functioning of the internal market. (TEC art. 94)Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/consultation13New articleIII-176: Establishment of language arrangements for the European intellectual property rights.UnanimityConsultation14III-184, p.13: Measure to replace the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure. (TEC art. 104, p.14) Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/consultation15III-185, p.6: Conferral of specific tasks upon the European Central Bank concerning policies relating to the prudential supervision of credit institutions and other financial institutions. (TEC art. 105, p.6)Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/assent16III-210, p.1c:Social security and social protection of workers, d) protection of workers where their employment contracts is terminated, f) representation and collective defence of the interests of workers and employers, g)conditions of employment for third-country nationals. (TEC art. 137, p.1 c), d), f) and g) Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/consultation17III-234, p.2: environmental measures establishing provisions of fiscal nature, measures affecting town and country planning; quantitative management of water resources or affecting the availability of those resources; land use, with the exception of waste management, etc. (TEC art. 175, p.2) Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/consultation18III-251, p.3: Establishment of specific programmes to implement the multiannual framework programme for research and technological development. (TEC art. 166, p.3 and 4) QMV/QMVConsultation/consultation19New articleIII-256, p.3: Measure within the field of energy primarily of a fiscal nature.UnanimityConsultation20III-269, p.3: Family law with cross-border implications. (TEC art. 65 and 67) Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/consultation21New articleIII-274, p.1: European Public Prosecutor.UnanimityConsent22III-275, p.3: Operational cooperation between authorities of Member States including police, customs and other specialised law enforcement services in relation to the prevention, detection and investigation of criminal offences. (TEU, art. 30, p. 1a) Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/consultation23III-277: Conditions and limitations under which the competent authorities of the Member States may operate in the territory of another Member State in liaison and in agreement with the authorities of that state. (TEU art. 32)Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/consultation24III-291: Association of the countries and territories with the Union. (TEC art. 187) Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/non25III-330, p.1: Measures for the election of Members of the European Parliament. (TEC art. 190, p.4) Unanimity and national ratification/unanimity and national ratification.Right of initiative and consent/right of initiative and assent26III-330, p.2: Regulations and general conditions governing the performance of the duties of the Members of the European Parliament. (TEC art. 190, p.5)QMV, but unanimity for taxation/QMV but unanimity for taxationRight of initiative and approval/right of Own initiative and approval27III-333: Provisions governing the exercise of the right of inquiry of Temporary Committees of inquiry of the European Parliament. (TEC art. 193) QMV/simple majority??Own initiative and approval28III-335, p.4: Regulations and general conditions governing the performance of the Ombudsmans duties. (TEC art. 195, p.4) QMV/QMVOwn initiative and approval29III-393: Amendment of the statute of the European Investment Bank. (TEC art. 266) Unanimity/unanimityConsultation/consultation30III-404: Annual budget of the European Union. (TEC art 272) QMV/QMVBudgetprocedure/budgetprocedure31III-424: regulations and decisions aimed, in particular, at laying down conditions of application of the Constitution to certain regions taking account of the structural, social and economic situation of the French overseas departments (TEC art. 299, p.2) QMV/QMVConsultation/consultation  The cooperation procedure is currently found in TEC art. 252, but is only applicable in four areas within the Economic and Monetary Union. The procedure has not been used since 30 April 1999.  The table only contains the legal bases that enable the Council and the Parliament to adopt legislative acts, which in the Constitutional Treaty is defined as EU-laws or EU framework laws. Legal bases enabling the institutions to adopt other types of legally binding or non-binding acts such as regulations, decisions, opinions and recommendations - are not included in the table.  See article III-397.  See inter-institutional agreements between European Parliament, Council and the Commission from May 1999 and December 2003, OJ C 148/1 1999 and OJ C 321/1 2003.  Specialised procedures are in reality covering five different procedures with regard to the involvement of the European Parliament: 1) consultation, 2) consent, 3) Own initiative and approval, 4) budget-procedure and 5) no involvement. The Council adopts its decisions with unanimity in most cases under these procedures (72%), but uses also QMV in certain cases (28%). Additional national ratification is required in a small number of cases (3).  This procedure is identical to the existing assent procedure  See article I-25.  The population figures are based on the Councils decision 2004/701/EF, Euratom of 11 October 2004. See OJ L 319/15 of 20 October 2004.  EU laws and EU framework laws are according to the Constitutional Treaty defined as legislative acts.  It is still an open question when the formal date of transmission of the draft legislative acts is.  See article I-11, p.3 of the Constitutional Treaty.  Article I-51, p.2 is a new legal base. However, the articles TEC 95 about the internal market and TEC article 286, p. 2 have been used in the past to adopt EU rules within the scope of this article, such as the data protection directive (95/46/TEC). The new article however extends the scope of application to the whole new treaty, whereas the current legal base only applies to the TEC.  If a Member State in the Council considers that a draft law or framework law would affect fundamental aspects of its social security system, it may request the matter be referred to the European Council.  Certain aspects of this article are already adopted by QMV (art. 62, p.2)  TEC art. 63, p.1 and p.2 indent a is adopted in accordance with the co-decision procedure, provided that the Council has previously adopted common rules and basic principles on these issues, while TEC art. 63, p.2 indent b maintains unanimity and consultation.  The Council may with unanimity decide to introduce QMV and co-decision for the immigration policy after 1 May 2004, TEC art. 67, p.2.  Article III-269 adds 3 additional objectives to the Judicial cooperation in Civil matters; e), g) and h).  Part of art. 278, p4. Is new. Measures concerning monitoring, early warning and combating serious cross-border threats to health is thus not mentioned in TEC art. 152, p. 4.  Tourism is currently listed in TEC art. 3, indent u as one of the areas in which the community may act in order to achieve its objectives in TEC art. 2. However there is no specific legal base for tourism. Community actions would therefore require the use of another legal base such as TEC art. 95 or TEC art. 308.  The possibility to adopt incentive measures in the field of sport and young peoples participation in democratic life are new compared to TEC art. 149, p.4.  The scope of the article is extended to include also direct foreign investments.  Qualified majority will however be introduced from 1 January 2007.  The Commission is according to the Constitutional Treaty obliged to draw national parliaments attention to proposals based on art. I-18.  However, article I-55, p.4 contains a passarelle enabling the European Council with unanimity to authorise the Council to adopt the law laying down the multiannual financial framework with QMV.  TEC art. 20 sets out that Member States shall establish the necessary rules among themselves and start the international negotiations required to secure this protection. However the article does not, as III-127, give the EU competence to adopt such rules.  The term assent in the current treaties is replaced by consent in the Constitutional Treaty.     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