ࡱ>  5701234~`  bjbj -1oa  ZZZl Tg8\X$ '4'4'n',2y4acccccc$hJNiZy+,yy4'n'qy"l4':Zn'aya |.,Zn'  0}B{x<U X0PxZde5K[ h,e5e5e5ce5e5e5XyyyybķbnTh ThV   Responses to the Questionnaire for the 5th COSAC biannual report on developments in EU procedures and practices relevant to parliamentary scrutiny  TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813399" 1) Austria  PAGEREF _Toc135813399 \h 3  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813400" 2) Belgium  PAGEREF _Toc135813400 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813401" 3) Cyprus  PAGEREF _Toc135813401 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813402" 4) Czech Chamber of Deputies  PAGEREF _Toc135813402 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813403" 5) Czech Senate  PAGEREF _Toc135813403 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813404" 6) Denmark  PAGEREF _Toc135813404 \h 13  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813405" 7) Estonia  PAGEREF _Toc135813405 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813406" 8) Finland  PAGEREF _Toc135813406 \h 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813407" 9) French Assemble Nationale  PAGEREF _Toc135813407 \h 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813408" 10) French Senate  PAGEREF _Toc135813408 \h 24  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813409" 11) German Bundesrat  PAGEREF _Toc135813409 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813410" 12) German Bundestag  PAGEREF _Toc135813410 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813411" 13) The Hellenic Parliament  PAGEREF _Toc135813411 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813412" 14) Hungary  PAGEREF _Toc135813412 \h 31  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813413" 15) Italian Chamber of Deputies  PAGEREF _Toc135813413 \h 33  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813414" 16) Italian Senate  PAGEREF _Toc135813414 \h 35  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813415" 17) Ireland  PAGEREF _Toc135813415 \h 37  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813416" 18) Latvia  PAGEREF _Toc135813416 \h 39  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813417" 19) Lithuania  PAGEREF _Toc135813417 \h 41  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813418" 20) Luxembourg  PAGEREF _Toc135813418 \h 43  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813419" 21) Malta  PAGEREF _Toc135813419 \h 46  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813420" 22) Netherlands House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer)  PAGEREF _Toc135813420 \h 48  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813421" 23) Netherlands Senate (Eerste Kamer)  PAGEREF _Toc135813421 \h 50  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813422" 24) Poland (Senate)  PAGEREF _Toc135813422 \h 52  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813423" 25) Poland (Sejm)  PAGEREF _Toc135813423 \h 54  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813424" 26) Portugal  PAGEREF _Toc135813424 \h 55  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813425" 27) Slovakia  PAGEREF _Toc135813425 \h 58  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813426" 28) Slovenia (National Assembly)  PAGEREF _Toc135813426 \h 62  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813427" 29) Spain  PAGEREF _Toc135813427 \h 65  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813428" 30) Sweden  PAGEREF _Toc135813428 \h 67  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813429" 31) UK House of Commons  PAGEREF _Toc135813429 \h 68  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813430" 32) UK House of Lords  PAGEREF _Toc135813430 \h 70  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813431" 33) The European Parliament  PAGEREF _Toc135813431 \h 73  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813432" 34) FYROM  PAGEREF _Toc135813432 \h 79  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc135813433" 35) Results of a query conducted by the Portuguese parliament on the Future of Europe Websites  PAGEREF _Toc135813433 \h 82  1) Austria Chapter 1: The UK and Austrian Presidencies presentedthe attached joint report to the European Council in December 2005 summarising national debates on the future of Europe in the Member States. The Presidencies' report focused on activities by governments.The aim of Chapter 1 of the 5thbiannual reportis to add to thisreport by providing an overview of actions taken by national parliaments during the period of reflection. 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? On 19 December 2005 a meeting with about 200 pupils was organised in the Austrian parliament which gave them the opportunity to ask EU-related questions which were answered by members of the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament as well as the EU-State Secretary in the Austrian government. This meeting was broadcast live by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation. With the view to offer the public more information, the Rules of Procedure of the National Council have allowed for regular special plenary meetings to discuss EU issues since mid-2005 in which the working programmes of the EU Presidency and other topical EU projects are dealt with. Reports by the EU-Main Committee can also be placed on the agenda of such meetings. Information dossiers for MPs, which serve as a basis for discussion, are provided in preparation for the meetings by the new EU Coordination Department. As an additional support for MPs, a permanent representation of the Austrian parliament was set up in Brussels in May 2005 to facilitate and speed up the flow of information. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? On 18 and 19 April 2006 a conference on subsidiarity will be held in St. Plten; part of the conference will be dedicated to the national parliaments role in scrutinising subsidiarity. The Austrian parliament is co-organising this conference. The Austrian parliament together with the European Parliament is organising a Joint Parliamentary Meeting on the Future of Europe on 8 and 9 May 2006. Chapter 2: In the 4th biannual report, we reported that 18 national parliaments or parliamentary chambers (from 14 Members States) already scrutinised EU legislation for compliance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. A further 6 national parliaments reported that although they did not yet perform such scrutiny, they might do so in the future. Chapter 2 of the5th biannual report will report on any developments relating to subsidiarity and proportionality since October 2005. 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? No Chapter 3: Background:The 4th biannual report showed that Civilian ESDP missions are an areawhere there is rapid growth in the level of EU activities.This has been emphasised by the fact that since the questionnaire forthe 4thbiannual report was sent out, 6 more operations have been agreed by the Council. On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The matter was discussed by the National Councils Main Committee on 13 December 2005; on the Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs request the committee agreed on sending 5 members of the Federal Army to Darfur until the end of 2006. On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The matter was discussed by the National Councils Main Committee on 7 September 2005; on the Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs request the committee agreed to take part in the EU mission in Indonesia and to send members of the Federal Army to Aceh. On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The matter has not been dealt with by our parliament. On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The matter was discussed by the National Councils Main Committee on 13 December 2005; on the Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs request the committee agreed on sending 2 criminal law experts and 2 executive officers to the Palestinian territories. On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The matter was discussed by the National Councils Main Committee on 13 December 2005; on the Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs request the committee agreed on sending 2 executive officers to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The matter was discussed by the National Councils Main Committee on 13 December 2005; on the Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs request the committee agreed to take part in the mission by sending 6 persons to Rafah. 2) Belgium Rponses de la chambre des representants et du Snat de belgique Chapitre 1 : Les Prsidences anglaises et autrichiennes ont prsent le rapport ci-joint au Conseil europen de dcembre 2005. Il rsume les dbats nationaux sur le futur de lEurope qui se sont drouls dans les Etats membres. Le but de ce chapitre est de complter ce rapport en donnant une vue densemble des mesures prises par les Parlements nationaux au cours de cette priode de rflexion. Quelles initiatives en rapport avec la priode de rflexion sur le futur de lEurope et/ou le plan D de la Commission (COM (2005) 494, 13 octobre 2005) votre Parlement a-t-il pris ? Le mardi 20 dcembre 2005, le Comit davis fdral charg des questions europennes a organis un change de vues avec Mme Wallstrm, vice-prsidente de la Commission europenne, sur le Plan D. Y a-t-il d'autres activits prvues dici la fin de la priode de rflexion ? Le 21 mars 2006, un change de vues a eu lieu avec M. Louis Michel, membre de la Commission, sur la stratgie politique annuelle de la Commission pour 2007. Le 2 mai 2006, un change de vues aura lieu avec M. Gnter Verheugen, membre de la Commission. Une visite du prsident de la Commission europenne, M. Jos Manuel Barroso, est galement prvue. De mars juin 2006, une campagne de dbats dcentraliss sera organise par le Gouvernement fdral (en collaboration avec la Commission europenne, le Parlement europen et lInstitut Royal des Relations Internationales). Ces dbats seront ouverts la socit civile dans son ensemble et serviront de lieu dcoute des interrogations et des positions de tous les citoyens belges sur les questions europennes. Des snateurs et dputs participeront ces dbats. Chapitre 2: Dans le 4me rapport biannuel, nous avions not que 18 Parlements ou Chambres parlementaires (de 14 Etats membres) avaient dj exerc un contrle du principe de subsidiarit de la lgislation europenne. Six autres Parlements nationaux signalaient que s'ils navaient pas encore exerc un tel contrle, ils le feraient certainement dans le futur. Le chapitre 2 du 5me rapport biannuel sera consacr tous les dveloppements en matire de subsidiarit et de proportionnalit depuis octobre 2005. Y a-t-il eu des avances en matire de contrle du principe de subsidiarit et de proportionnalit dans votre Parlement depuis octobre 2005 ? Le 19 dcembre 2005, les prsidents des sept assembles lgislatives belges (Chambre des reprsentants, Snat, les parlements des Rgions et des Communauts) ont sign un accord de coopration visant la mise en uvre du Protocole sur lapplication du principe de subsidiarit annex au Trait tablissant une Constitution pour lEurope. Chapitre 3: Le 4me rapport biannuel montrait que les missions de PESD civile reprsentent un domaine de lactivit de lUE est en croissance rapide. Cette tendance s'est accentue depuis le 4me rapport biannuel, puisque 6 nouvelles oprations ont t approuves par le Conseil. 1) Le 18 juillet 2005, le Conseil a adopt une action commune mettant en place une action de soutien civilo-militaire la mission de lUnion africaine dans la rgion du Darfour (AMIS II). La Commission du suivi des missions ltranger du Snat a eu un change de vues avec le Ministre belge de la Dfense en juillet 2005 sur la mission AMIS II. De plus, Mme Sabine de Bethune dpose une demande dexplication au ministre des Affaires trangres sur "la poursuite des combats dans la rgion du Darfour" (n 3-1193, sance plnire du 15 dcembre 2005) 2) Le 9 septembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/643/PESC concernant la mission de surveillance de lUnion europenne Aceh (Indonsie). Non. 3) Le 7 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/776/PESC crant une mission de l'Union europenne dassistance la frontire entre la Moldavie et lUkraine. Non. 4) Le 14 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/797/PESC mettant en place une mission de police de l'Union europenne pour les territoires palestiniens (EU POL COPPS). Non. 5) Le 24 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/826/PESC mettant en place une quipe consultative de lUnion europenne charge des questions de police (EUPAT) dans lancienne Rpublique yougoslave de Macdoine. Non. 6) Le 12 dcembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/889/PESC mettant en place une mission de l'Union europenne dassistance la frontire au point de passage de Rafah dans les territoires palestiniens (EU BAM Rafah). Non. 3) Cyprus Chapter 1: 1) What initiatives has your parliament undertaken so far in connection with the period of reflection on the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions plan D (COM (2005) 494, 13 October 2005)? 2) Does your parliament plan any further activities in this regard between now and the end of the period of reflection? Our parliament is expected to undertake appropriate initiatives on this issue after the forthcoming general parliamentary elections to be held next May. Chapter 2: Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? The Parliamentary Committee on European Affairs has conducted a thorough examination of the Commissions Annual Work Programme for 2006. The Committee has provisionally identified five Commission proposals which should be subjected to the subsidiarity and proportionality check. These proposals have been notified to the COSAC Secretariat as part of the subsidiarity check exercise to be conducted later this year. The Committee intends to continue the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality of the Commission s proposals as a matter of course. Chapter 3 The House does not presently scrutinise CFSP and ESDP matters as such. Nevertheless, it took notice of the above mentioned missions accordingly. 4) Czech Chamber of Deputies Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? On 31 October 2005, the Committee for European Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies organized an international conference "The Constitution for Europe a Time for Reflection". Besides the contributions of scholars and experts, the leading representatives of parliamentary fractions presented their approach not only regarding the Constitution for Europe, but also regarding the further development of European integration in general. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? No. (Because of forthcoming parliamentary elections on 2 and 3 June 2006.) Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? The principle of subsidiarity is scrutinised the way we described in the questionnaire for the 4th biannual report. Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 5) Czech Senate Chapter 1: Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? The debate on future of Europe in the Czech Republic is coordinated by the Government (Information Department of EU-Affairs). Up to March 2006, several conferences and seminars were organised by the Senate (e.g. How to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of EU economy, European citizenship virtue or void concept). Moreover, the legislative programme of the Commission for the year 2006 was discussed on 16th March 2006 by the plenary of the Senate. In May 2006, there shall be open a new information centre of the Senate, among whose tasks is to explain parliamentary aspects of EU-affairs. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? The subsidiarity check is an usual part of parliamentary scrutiny in the Czech Senate. Furthermore, the Senate participates in COSAC activities in this field (own list of legislative proposals to be handled by the COSAC was sent to COSAC secretariat in December 2005). Chapter 3: Background:The 4th biannual report showed that Civilian ESDP missions are an areawhere there is rapid growth in the level of EU activities.This has been emphasised by the fact that since the questionnaire forthe 4thbiannual report was sent out, 6 more operations have been agreed by the Council. 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The parliamentary scrutiny of the CFSP by the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Czech Senate does not involve any of these missions. 6) Denmark QUESTIONS FOR THE 5TH BIANNUAL REPORT Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The Danish Parliament hasinitiated several initiatives during the period of reflection. In January2006 the Parliament opened a website dedicated to the Danish debate on the Future of Europe  HYPERLINK "http://www.citizensagenda.dk/" \o "http://www.citizensagenda.dk/" www.citizensagenda.dk. The website is the central point of reference for the initiatives during the period of reflection, and contain an overview of public meetings to be held in Denmark and a web based forum for debate. Furthermore information and feedback from the public debateis collected on the site. On April 29.-30 the Parliament isorganising anationally televised hearing on the future of EU.Approximately 400 participants will be chosen as a representative sample of the Danish voting population on the basis of a major opinion poll regarding their attitude to European policy issues.The participants will be personally invited to take part without receiving remuneration, but also without expenses.The participants will meet and discuss EU-matters. Most of the work will be carried out in groups that will be led by an experienced chairman to ensure that everybody will be able to express their opinion. Leading politicians and well-known experts will be invited to take part in panel debates with the participants. In addition, parties and movements will be allotted rooms in connection with the hearing where representatives will have the opportunity to follow and comment on the hearing and participants can contact them if they would like to discuss certain matters.The hearing is arranged in collaboration with a major TV channel that will help to spread the debate among the public with the help of comprehensive coverage of the arrangement itself. There will be a number of PR and communication initiatives in order to bring knowledge of the hearing and the discussions that take place there into a number of media and maintain them in the minds of the public for a considerably longer time than the weekend that the hearing will last.Among other things, participants will express their attitudes to the subject debated by filling in questionnaires and also evaluating the various aspects of the Public Hearing. The forms will reveal any attitudes that actually have broad support and also the disagreements that will be central during the coming years.The results of the Public Hearing will be included in the report that the European Affairs Committee will hand over to the Prime Minister before the meeting of the European Council in June 2006. In February 2006, a nation-wide competition was arrangedfor students attending courses of youth education at upper secondary schools, higher preparatory courses, business schools, technical schools, etc. Classes wasinvited to send in proposals for three of the five questions that are identified as central for the Danish Debate during the period of reflection. It will be possible to read all contributions to the EU Youth Parliament at  HYPERLINK "http://www.borgernesdagsorden.dk/" \o "http://www.borgernesdagsorden.dk/" www.borgernesdagsorden.dk as they are received, and they will laterbe published as a whole in the middle of May 2006. A brief summary of all contributions will be prepared for inclusion in the report of the European Affairs Committee to the Prime Minister in time for the meeting of the European Council in June 2006. During May and June 27 classeswill be invited to take part in an EU Youth Parliament as such at Christiansborg on 27 September 2006. Furthermore the Parliament has arranged a number ofspecialised conferences onvarious subjects such as comitology and the role of the European Court of Justice. In May and June the Parliament will organise a public exhibition of material from the six Danish Referendums on EU-matters. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? See answer to question 1 above. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? No. Chapter 3: Background:The 4th biannual report showed that Civilian ESDP missions are an areawhere there is rapid growth in the level of EU activities.This has been emphasised by the fact that since the questionnaire forthe 4thbiannual report was sent out, 6 more operations have been agreed by the Council. 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, 15 July 2005 (The EAC took note of the issue without debate. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, 15 July 2005, (cf. p. 1) 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, 30 September 2005 (cf. p. 1) 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, 4 November 2005 (cf. p. 1) 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. EUPAT has not been scrutinized as such, but the predecessor PROXIMA has been scrutinized latest 19 November 2004 (cf. p. 1) 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, 18 November 2005 (The EAC took note of the presentation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs) 7) Estonia Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The activities are not directly connected with the reflection period, but on8 February 2006 the Riigikogu concluded its first reading of the the Bill on the Ratification of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe . Upon the initiative by the EU Affairs Committee the Riigikogu plenary will have a debate on the "Future of Europe" as a deliberation of matter of significant national importance on April 6, 2006. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? Not decided Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? No Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Estonia does not participate in this mission. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Estonia does not participate in this mission. 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Estonia participates at the moment with one border-guard. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Estonia will participate from 1 June 2006 with one policeman. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Estonia does not participate in this mission. 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Estonia supported the mission financially (( 40000). Background: In Estonia the decision process concerning country s participation in the civil-missions is in the competence of the government. It is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who has the lead and there is cooperation with other ministries there it is needed. The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) meets regularly before the GAERC meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. If the agenda of the GAERC contains ESDP missions, the Committee discusses them as any other question of the GAERC agenda. The Foreign Affairs Committee also receives a written conclusion about passed GAERC meeting from the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs. 8) Finland Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? Eduskunta has received a Government Report to Parliament on the Treaty establishing a Constitution for the European Union end of last year. According to the Finnish Scrutiny on International Treaties, the Grand Committee as well as the Specialised Committees will give their views with reasoning to the Foreign Affairs Committee in the end of March. By end of April the Foreign Affairs Committee will prepare the final report to the plenary to be discussed and a vote is conducted to determine whether the Government enjoys Parliaments confidence in this matter. It is to be expected in the coming weeks that Parliament will take a decision on whether the Government should give the ratification bill to Parliament immediately or whether Finland should wait until end of the reflexion period to ratify it. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? No Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, by FAC starting at its meeting on 26 June 2005 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, by FAC starting at its meeting on 8 September 2005 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, by FAC starting at its meeting on 11 October 2005 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, by FAC starting at its meeting on 8 September 2005 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, by FAC starting at its meeting on 22 November 2005 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, by FAC starting at its meeting on 22 November 2005 9) French Assemble Nationale REPONSES DE LASSEMBLEE NATIONALE FRANCAISE Chapitre 1 : 1) Quelles initiatives en rapport avec la priode de rflexion sur le futur de lEurope et/ou le plan D de la Commission (COM (2005) 494, 13 Octobre 2005) votre Parlement a-t-il pris ? Dans le cadre de la priode de rflexion et du dbat sur lavenir de lEurope, lAssemble nationale prend une part active la sensibilisation des dputs aux sujets europens et associe rgulirement les citoyens la rflexion sur lEurope, dans un esprit de dmocratie, de dialogue et de dbat. Plusieurs initiatives rcentes permettent galement de renforcer sensiblement la dimension europenne du travail parlementaire: Le Prsident de la Commission europenne, M. Jos-Manuel Barroso, a t reu dans lhmicycle le 24 janvier 2006; Depuis janvier 2003, les quatre premires questions dactualit du premier mercredi de chaque mois sont consacres des thmes europens; Un dbat en sance publique est dsormais systmatiquement organis avant chaque runion du Conseil europen; Une lettre europenne dinformation, labore par le Prsident de la Dlgation pour lUnion europenne, est diffuse chaque trimestre lensemble des dputs.Elle offre un clairage sur les principaux dossiers europens (budget europen, stratgie de Lisbonne), permet de suivre les activits des institutions de lUnion et rend compte des travaux de lAssemble nationale sur des thmes europens; Un rapport transversal sur la transposition des directives est publi chaque anne par la dlgation de lAssemble nationale pour lUnion europenne; Une nouvelle rubrique Union europenne du site Internet de lAssemble nationale vient dtre inaugure. Elle permet un accs direct et complet lensemble des activits dinformation et de contrle parlementaire sur les affaires europennes. Une large place est laisse au dbat citoyen puisque les internautes sont invits sexprimer sur lEurope en rpondant un questionnaire interactif intitul Quelle Europe voulez-vous?. Des dputs de la Dlgation pour lUnion europenne ont galement directement diffus ce questionnaire dans leur circonscription; La lettre lectronique mensuelle de la Dlgation pour lUnion europenne La Dlgation pour lUnion europenne diffuse tous les mois depuis fvrier 2006, une lettre lectronique dinformation qui se substitue la Slection de documents europens et propose un contenu enrichi et simple daccs. Des rubriques thmatiques (runions de la Dlgation, auditions, rencontres interparlementaires, conclusions et rsolutions portant sur des textes europens, nouveauts sur le site Internet, chroniques de jurisprudence europenne, etc.) permettent un accs rapide et complet lintgralit des travaux de la Dlgation pour lUnion europenne. Dsormais, les destinataires de la lettre lectronique ont galement la possibilit dtre informs des travaux et de la position de la Dlgation sur chacun des documents E soumis lAssemble nationale en application de larticle 88-4 de la Constitution grce la mise en ligne dune fiche spcifique pour chaque document examin; LAssemble nationale dispose galement depuis trois ans, Bruxelles, dun Bureau de reprsentation permanente auprs de lUnion europenne, dont lobjectif principal est de renforcer linformation des parlementaires sur lactivit des institutions de lUnion, de les sensibiliser lEurope dans le cadre de session de formation aux questions europennes et de favoriser la coopration interparlementaire. Des initiatives gouvernementales ont galement t prises pour renforcer lassociation du Parlement franais aux questions europennes Des sessions de sensibilisation aux problmatiques europennes sont dsormais rgulirement proposes aux parlementaires nationaux, qui permettent ces derniers de dvelopper leur connaissance et leurs liens avec les Institutions europennes. La premire session s'est tenue Bruxelles les28 et 29novembre et la seconde les 30 et 31 janvier. La troisime aura lieu Strasbourg les 15 et 16 mars 2006; Une circulaire du Premier ministre du 22 novembre 2005 a tendu le champ des actes europens sur lesquels les Assembles pourront adopter des rsolutions, conformment l'article88-4 de la Constitution; Une circulaire du Premier ministre du 19 dcembre 2005 prvoit une information plus rgulire du Parlement sur les travaux du Conseil: avant et aprs chaque session Bruxelles ou Luxembourg, les ministres sont invits faire une prsentation des enjeux et des rsultats. De mme, il est prvu dsormais qu'un dbat sans vote aura lieu avant chaque Conseil europen. 2) Y a-t-il d'autres activits prvues dici la fin de la priode de rflexion ? Les membres de la Dlgation de lAssemble nationale pour lUnion europenne vont se rendre dans diffrentes capitales europennes, avant le Conseil europen de juin 2006, afin dengager un dialogue, au niveau parlementaire, sur lavenir du processus de ratification du trait constitutionnel. Chapitre 2: 1) Y a-t-il eu des avances en matire de contrle du principe de subsidiarit et de proportionnalit dans votre Parlement depuis octobre 2005 ? Dans le cadre du contrle quelle exerce sur les projets dactes europens, lAssemble nationale effectue systmatiquement une apprciation politique et juridique au regard du respect du principe de subsidiarit. Chapitre 3: 1) Le 18 juillet 2005, le Conseil a adopt une action commune mettant en place une action de soutien civilo-militaire la mission de lUnion africaine dans la rgion du Darfour (AMIS II). Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle le contrle parlementaire a t effectu. 2) Le 9 septembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/643/PESC concernant la mission de surveillance de lUnion europenne Aceh (Indonsie) . Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle le contrle a t effectu. 3) Le 7 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/776/PESC crant une mission de l'Union Europenne dassistance la frontire entre la Moldavie et lUkraine. Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle a t effectu. 4) Le 14 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/797/PESC mettant en place une mission de police de l'Union europenne pour les territoires palestiniens (EU POL COPPS). Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle a t effectu. 5) Le 24 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/826/PESC mettant en place une quipe consultative de lUnion europenne charge des questions de police (EUPAT) dans lancienne Rpublique yougoslave de Macdoine. Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle t effectu. 6) Le 12 dcembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/889/PESC mettant en place une mission de l'Union europenne dassistance la frontire au point de passage de Rafah dans les territoires palestiniens (EU BAM Rafah). Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle a t effectu. REPONSE GLOBALE AUX 6 QUESTIONS: Sur les 6 actions communes adoptes par le Conseil en 2005 et relatives des missions de la PESD civile, cites dans le questionnaire, les 5 suivantes ont fait lobjet dune procdure dexamen en urgence par la Dlgation pour lUnion europenne ( savoir une dcision prise directement par le Prsident de la Dlgation dans un dlai trs cours denviron 48h et sans dbat au sein de la Dlgation pour lUnion europenne): - le 4octobre 2005, la Dlgation a pris acte de lapprobation donne par son Prsident deux saisines en urgences que lui avait adresses le Gouvernement: ( le 11 juillet 2005 sur la mission au Darfour; ( le 31 aot 2005 sur la mission en Indonsie Aceh. -le 22novembre 2005 la Dlgation a pris acte de lapprobation donne par son Prsident trois saisines en urgence que lui avait adresses le Gouvernement: ( le 28 octobre 2005 sur la mission de police dans les territoires palestiniens; ( le 16 novembre 2005 pour la mission consultative de police en ARYM; ( le 21 novembre 2005 pour la mission au point de passage de Rafah dans les territoires palestiniens. Laction commune crant une mission dassistance la frontire entre la Moldavie et lUkraine a t dclare de nature rglementaire et non lgislative par la Conseil dEtat au sens des articles 34 et 37 de la Constitution franaise et le projet na donc pas t transmis au Parlement. Sur 19 projets de positions ou dactions communes PESC-PESD, transmis au Parlement franais en 2005, 13 ont t traits en procdure durgence et 6 ont t examins par la Dlgation selon la procdure normale. Ces derniers concernent pour 5 dentre eux des mesures restrictives lencontre de certains pays tiers, et le 6me est une position commune mettant en uvre de nouvelles mesures pour le mandat du Tribunal pnal international pour lex-Yougoslavie. Les autres textes ayant fait lobjet dune procdure durgence concernent soit des missions dassistance sur la scurit ou des missions de police en Rpublique Dmocratique du Congo ou en Bosnie-Herzgovine, soit le soutien lOIAC contre la prolifration des armes de destruction massive, soit des mesures restrictives lencontre de pays tiers. 10) French Senate Chapitre 1 : 1) Quelles initiatives en rapport avec la priode de rflexion sur le futur de lEurope et/ou le plan D de la Commission (COM (2005) 494, 13 Octobre 2005) votre Parlement a-t-il pris ? Rponse: Aucune. 2) Y a-t-il d'autres activits prvues dici la fin de la priode de rflexion ? Rponse: Non. Chapitre 2: 1) Y a-t-il eu des avances en matire de contrle du principe de subsidiarit et de proportionnalit dans votre Parlement depuis octobre 2005 ? Rponse: Non. Chapitre 3: 1) Le 18 juillet 2005, le Conseil a adopt une action commune mettant en place une action de soutien civilo-militaire la mission de lUnion africaine dans la rgion du Darfour (AMIS II). Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle le contrle parlementaire a t effectu. Rponse: Oui, le 12 juillet 2005. 2) Le 9 septembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/643/PESC concernant la mission de surveillance de lUnion europenne Aceh (Indonsie) . Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle le contrle a t effectu. Rponse: Oui, le 1er septembre 2005. 3) Le 7 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/776/PESC crant une mission de l'Union Europenne dassistance la frontire entre la Moldavie et lUkraine. Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle a t effectu. Rponse: Non. 4) Le 14 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/797/PESC mettant en place une mission de police de l'Union europenne pour les territoires palestiniens (EU POL COPPS). Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle a t effectu. Rponse: Oui, le 31 octobre 2005. 5) Le 24 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/826/PESC mettant en place une quipe consultative de lUnion europenne charge des questions de police (EUPAT) dans lancienne Rpublique yougoslave de Macdoine. Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle t effectu. Rponse: Oui, le 14 novembre 2005. 6) Le 12 dcembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/889/PESC mettant en place une mission de l'Union europenne dassistance la frontire au point de passage de Rafah dans les territoires palestiniens (EU BAM Rafah). Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle a t effectu. Rponse: Oui, le 22 novembre 2005. 11) German Bundesrat Translation Committee on questions of the European Union - Office - Answers to the questionnaire on the 5th Biannual Report Chapter 1 (1) The Bundesrat discussed the Commission Communication Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate and came to the conclusion that it contains good and apt points of reference on how European public relations work should be shaped in future. However, it also expressed its expectation that the Commission will implement its communications strategy together with countries and regions in a spirit of partnership and that it will simplify procedures. It also stressed that enhanced information and public relations work alone will not suffice to create greater acceptance of European integration among citizens. First and foremost, this required a resolute reform policy which takes citizens concerns seriously. (2) European PR work and debates on European policy are scheduled to take place in the German Lnder during Europe Week. This years Europe Week will take place in all Lnder from 5 to 14May 2006. It will be organized in close cooperation with the Federal Government, the Commission and the European Parliament. Alongside the main European policy issues, the focus will be on the European Constitutional Treaty and reform of the European Union. Numerous members of the Bundesrat will be discussing these topics with citizens at a wide variety of events and campaigning for greater acceptance. Chapter 2 Since October 2005, there have been no changes to the Bundesrat procedure for scrutinizing the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. Chapter 3 The Act on Cooperation between the Federation and the Lnder in Matters concerning the European Union does not apply to the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union. The Bundesrat has therefore not scrutinized any of the six new missions. 12) German Bundestag QUESTIONS FOR THE 5TH BIANNUAL REPORT With Answers from the Secretariat of the Committee on the Affairs of the European Union of the German Bundestag Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? Due to the general elections in September 2005 and the proceedings to re-constitute the German Bundestag in its 16th legislature, which were finalized by 30 November 2005, no special initiatives have yet been undertaken in this regard. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? The Bundestag has decided to seize the opportunity of the football World Championship in Germany (7 June 9 July 2006) to enhance its public visibility in Berlin. A special visitor centre will inform about the work and functioning of the Bundestag. The Committee on the Affairs of the European Union is planning to participate in this initiative in order to inform visitors and tourists about topical issues of European integration. In addition, the Committee has decided to open as many of its upcoming sessions as possible to the public, thereby fostering visibility and transparency of the parliamentary debate on European issues. In addition, the President of the German Bundestag has invited the President of the European Commission to a forum with high-ranking representatives of the Bundestag and other interested Members in order to discuss topical issues of the European Union like the role of national parliaments within the European integration, the European constitutional process and the repercussions of the Lisbon-Agenda on national legislation. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? New legislation has recently entered into force that was designed primarily to implement the new procedures regarding the early warning mechanism on subsidiarity and proportionality as foreseen in the Constitutional Treaty. The majority of the new provisions will enter info force only when and if the Constitutional Treaty itself will enter into force. However, the new legislation provides the legal basis for a new memorandum of understanding between the Federal Government and the Bundestag concerning information and co-operation in Affairs of the European Union. This provision has entered into force on 18 November 2005. The negotiations on this memorandum are expected to begin this month. It should provide for more extensive information of the parliament and improve the ways of co-operation between the parliament and the government. In this way, it will enhance the Bundestags capacities to scrutinise EU-legislation on the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality as well as on the merits. Chapter 3: Background:The 4th biannual report showed that Civilian ESDP missions are an areawhere there is rapid growth in the level of EU activities.This has been emphasised by the fact that since the questionnaire forthe 4thbiannual report was sent out, 6 more operations have been agreed by the Council. 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. In all of the six cases cited above, the German Bundestag was informed about the relevant mission through a letter by the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs to the President of the Bundestag. This letter contained details on the nature, task and dimension of the mission in question. They were forwarded to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on the Affairs of the European Union for information. The letters concerning the missions referred to in question No. 4, 5 and 6 were also sent to the Defence Committee, the Committee for Internal Affairs, the Budget Committee, the Committee for Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid and the Committee for Economic Co-operation and Development. A formal parliamentary scrutiny has not taken place in any of these cases, because the missions did not involve the deployment of armed troops. According to the relevant federal legislation, parliamentary assent to the deployment of personnel is necessary only where the government considers sending armed military troops. Troops carrying weapons for purposes of self-defence only are not considered to be armed (Gesetz ber die parlamentarische Beteiligung bei der Entscheidung ber den Einsatz bewaffneter Streitkrfte im Ausland of 18 March 2005). 13) The Hellenic Parliament Questions for the 5th biannual report Chapter 1. The Committee for European Affairs of the Hellenic Parliament held a meeting concerning the period of reflection on December 2005 and is considering further meetings as a follow up of the Interparliamentary Conference on the Future of Europe (8 and 9 May). Chapter 2 There has not been any development relating to scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in the Hellenic Parliament. Chapter 3 None of the mentioned operations has been scrutinized, in the context of discussions held at the Committee for Defence and Foreign Affairs. 14) Hungary QUESTIONS FOR THE 5TH BIANNUAL REPORT Chapter 1: Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The Committee on European Affairs invited to a hearing Mr. Gbor Gyrgy, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Hungary. Mr. Gyrgy informed the Committee members, and representatives of the press about the Commissions Plan D and its implementation in Hungary. Furthermore the Hungarian National Assembly organised an "open day" on the Legislative and Work Programme on 6 December 2005. This event gave opportunity to the invited politicians, academics, journalists and NGOs to intervene on the future of Europe and the on the way forward. The National Assembly, as part of its information policy, also published a book on the Constitutional Treaty written by parliamentary officials of the EU Department of the Office for Foreign Relations. Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? In the autumn of 2006 the Hungarian National Assembly organises a large scale conference on the future of Europe and on the role of parliaments in the EU in the framework of Plan D. The conference will be co-chaired by the speaker of the National Assembly and the president of the EP. Opinion formers (European and national politicians, NGOs, journalists, academics) will be invited. The National Assembly will provide for the information material (booklets, brochures) and the due media coverage. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? No. Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No. The Hungarian Parliament does not scrutinise CFSP and ESDP matters. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No 15) Italian Chamber of Deputies Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? Asthe Italian Parliament has already ratified the constitutional Treaty, the Chamber of deputies has not taken any specific initiatives related the period of reflection. In addition ina resolutionon the Commission legislative programme for 2005 (approved on 14 September 2005) the Chamber of deputieshas givenmandate the Government to encourage the continuation of the ratification process. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? No activity has been planned as the Italian Parliament is now dissolved (the legislative elections will take place on 9 April 2006). Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? No Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. On 26 May 2005 (before the adoption of Joint Action 2005/557) the plenary dealt with 3 interpellations to the Government concerning - among other aspects - the involvement of the EU in Amis I e II. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. A question for immediate answer concerning the Italian participation to the implementation of Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP was dealt with in the Committee for Foreign affairs on 11 October 2005. 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No. 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No. 16) Italian Senate Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The Italian Senate focused specially on the debate that took place during the scrutiny of the Commission's Legislative Working Programme by the Committee on EU policies. The debate was an occasion to give a strong indication to the Government political action and to raise awareness among Senators about European issues. Furthermore, it aimed at presenting to other EU parliaments the position of Italy regarding this stage of the period of reflection. The scrutiny was carried out jointly on the Commission's Legislative Working Programme and the Operational programme of the Council for 2006, started on 13th December and ended on 26 January, when a resolution was unanimously passed. The resolution highlighted the position of the Committee on EU policies on the major European matters, in particular on the future of Europe. In particular, the resolution engaged the Government to adopt any useful initiative in order to resume the ratification process of the Constitutional Treaty and, at this purpose, asked it to encourage the debate on the Commission's Plan-D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate. The Government has been engaged also to assess which initiatives should be adopted in order to strengthen the international dimension and the policies of the Union, also through strengthened cooperations. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? Not yet decided. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? No. Chapter 3 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action).Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. In the Italian Senate scrutiny of ESDP missions takes place during parliamentary scrutiny of budgets for such missions. Up to now Joint actions 2005/776/CFSP and 2005/889/CFSP were scrutinised and budgets approved by Law 23rd february 2006, n. 51 (article 39, paragraphs 24 and 10) that enacts decree law of 30th December 2005, n. 273, concerning urgent matters. 17) Ireland Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The Joint Committee on European Affairs of the Irish Parliament has actively engaged in the period of reflection, particularly through pre-GAERC exchanges with the Minister for Foreign Affairs and through the proactive engagement with practical examples of where the EU impacts on citizens lives. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? The Parliament plans to produce a number of reports of relevance to the approach taken by the Commission (see reply to 1) above) Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? The Joint Committee on European Affairs of the Irish Parliament sent a contribution to the Commission in relation to the draft Commission Decision establishing criteria for granting exemptions to the prescription-only principle for veterinary medical products for food-producing animals Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, the Sub-Committee on EU Scrutiny considered and noted this measure on 27 July 2005. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, the Sub-Committee on EU Scrutiny considered and noted this measure on 6 October 2005 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, the Sub-Committee on EU Scrutiny considered and noted this measure on 15 December 2005 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, the Sub-Committee on EU Scrutiny considered and noted this measure on 15 December 2005. It was also forwarded for information to the Joint Committee on European Affairs in the context of consideration of related issues during pre-GAERC meetings. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, the Sub-Committee on EU Scrutiny considered and noted this measure on 26 January 2006 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, the Sub-Committee on EU Scrutiny considered and noted this measure on 26 January 2006 and it was sent for information to the Joint Committee on European Affairs. Please note that the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny has arrangements in place for consideration of all CFSP measures prior to their adoption. 18) Latvia Chapter 1: Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? There have not been any major initiatives so far. Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? The European Affairs committee is organizing a conference on the Future of Europe in cooperation with the European Commission Representation in Latvia, which will take place on 22 May, 2006. The participants will include, among others, the President of the Commission Mr Barrozu, vice-president Mrs Wallstroem and commissioner Mr Piebalgs, as well as our government representatives, NGOs, media etc. The conference will mainly focus on communication issues and on Latvia's integration processes into the EU. The Saeima is traditionally contributing to the activities organized in the framework of Europe's yearly week during the first week of May. The EU Information centre of the Parliament of Latvia steadily and ongoingly informs society at large on a wide range of European issues. The Centre has a special section in their webpage on constitutional issues, as well as number of fact-sheets. It will also organize a meeting of the already established network of specialized EU information centres from the Baltic sea area from 14 to 16 June, 2006. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? There has not been any further development regarding the plans to further improve our mechanisms for scrutiny of proportionality and subsidiarity in our Parliament since October 2005. Most probably it will happen only after the next parliamentary elections this autumn. Nevertheless, our parliament is ready to submit to the subsidiarity check of the Commission legislative proposals, as selected at the COSAC chairpersons meeting in Vienna in February, 2006. Chapter 3: Background:The 4th biannual report showed that Civilian ESDP missions are an areawhere there is rapid growth in the level of EU activities.This has been emphasised by the fact that since the questionnaire forthe 4thbiannual report was sent out, 6 more operations have been agreed by the Council. 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. European Affairs Committee approves all national positions for the GAERC, including those where the Latvian position on the EU ESDP mission has been postponed. As the Committee does not scrutinize separately each particular mission, but the national position on the whole, it is not possible to specify adoption time of above-mentioned missions. 19) Lithuania Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania established the Working Group on the Future of Europe and Plan D in November 2005 to coordinate Seimas initiatives on the reflection period. Preparation for the Parliaments activity in this field has been gradually evolving since Spring 2006. A number of initiatives are currently being developed, including open debates organised by parliamentary committees on a range of EU future related subjects. It has been decided to use an established framework for thematic debates. Most of the events are concentrated in April and early May and called the April Debates on the Future of Europe. The April Debates on the Future of Europe will be followed by the plenary debate on 2nd May, when the Parliament looks at Lithuanias two-year experience of EU membership and, possibly, outlines its activities in the second phase of the reflection period. The European Affairs Committee of the Seimas in cooperation with the representatives of various Youth organisations from all over Lithuania has taken an initiative to organise the Youth Conference on the Future of Europe, which would draw on the experience of the Youth Convention and, possibly, develop its activities with further evolvement of the reflection period. The Seimas together with the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Representation of the European Commission in Lithuania has initiated the essay contest My Opinion for Lithuania and Europe, which invites all Lithuanian citizens, those who wish to participate, to give their opinion on various aspects of the future of European integration. The Seimas, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Representation of the European Commission in Lithuania will organise a social action 60 minutes with Europe with broad participation of regional radio and television stations. Another important activity is meetings of the Members of the Seimas with the Europe direct network in order to facilitate promotion of the European debate. Finally, it has become a tradition for the Seimas to organise some social events Planting of the European Forest and the bicycle ride to the geographical centre of Europe, which attract public attention. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? To be decided in early May. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? No Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No 20) Luxembourg CHAMBRE DES DEPUTES DU GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG Chapitre 1 : 1) Quelles initiatives en rapport avec la priode de rflexion sur le futur de lEurope et/ou le plan D de la Commission (COM (2005) 494, 13 Octobre 2005) votre Parlement a-t-il pris ? Le Parlement luxembourgeois a t largement impliqu dans la prparation du rfrendum du 10 juillet 2005 sur le Trait tablissant une Constitution pour lEurope, en organisant des auditions et des runions dinformation dans les diffrentes rgions. Il a t dcid dimpliquer davantage les parlementaires dans les dossiers europens. A cet effet, un document intitul La stratgie europenne de la Chambre des Dputs a t communiqu aux dputs. De mme, la Chambre des Dputs dispose depuis le 1er janvier 2006 dun reprsentant permanent auprs des institutions europennes. Le Bureau de la Chambre des Dputs a par ailleurs dcid lutilisation des moyens de communication de la Chambre afin de rapprocher lEurope des citoyens. Ainsi il est dornavant recouru Europe by satellite pour les missions de la chane tlvise du Parlement. De mme, une rubrique permanente rdige par des experts et publie au compte rendu de la Chambre des Dputs ainsi quune nouvelle rubrique Europe sur le site Internet de la Chambre compteront parmi les instruments que le Parlement met en place pour amliorer linformation des citoyens. Laccent est galement mis sur le dialogue avec les jeunes. Le Service des Relations publiques de la Chambre des Dputs proposera notamment des jeux ducatifs sur Internet, des activits dans les coles ou encore des expositions. Il est galement envisag dorganiser des confrences sur des sujets europens dactualit, en collaboration avec la Maison de lEurope, hbergeant la Reprsentation permanente de la Commission europenne et la Reprsentation permanente du Parlement europen. 2) Y a-t-il d'autres activits prvues dici la fin de la priode de rflexion ? Voir sous le point 1). Chapitre 2: 1) Y a-t-il eu des avances en matire de contrle du principe de subsidiarit et de proportionnalit dans votre Parlement depuis octobre 2005 ? Il ny a pas de changements en ce qui concerne le contrle du principe de subsidiarit et de proportionnalit la Chambre des Dputs. Les deux nouveaux projets de contrle de la COSAC seront analyss suivant la mme mthode de travail que le troisime paquet ferroviaire. Chapitre 3: 1) Le 18 juillet 2005, le Conseil a adopt une action commune mettant en place une action de soutien civilo-militaire la mission de lUnion africaine dans la rgion du Darfour (AMIS II). Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle le contrle parlementaire a t effectu. La Chambre des Dputs na pas exerc de contrle sur cette mission. 2) Le 9 septembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/643/PESC concernant la mission de surveillance de lUnion europenne Aceh (Indonsie) . Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle le contrle a t effectu. La Chambre des Dputs na pas exerc de contrle sur ladite mission. 3) Le 7 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/776/PESC crant une mission de l'Union Europenne dassistance la frontire entre la Moldavie et lUkraine. Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle a t effectu. La Chambre des Dputs na pas exerc de contrle sur ladite mission. 4) Le 14 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/797/PESC mettant en place une mission de police de l'Union europenne pour les territoires palestiniens (EU POL COPPS). Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle a t effectu. Le Parlement luxembourgeois na pas exerc de contrle sur cette mission. 5) Le 24 novembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/826/PESC mettant en place une quipe consultative de lUnion europenne charge des questions de police (EUPAT) dans lancienne Rpublique yougoslave de Macdoine. Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle t effectu. La Chambre des Dputs na pas exerc de contrle sur ladite mission. 6) Le 12 dcembre 2005, le Conseil a adopt laction commune 2005/889/PESC mettant en place une mission de l'Union europenne dassistance la frontire au point de passage de Rafah dans les territoires palestiniens (EU BAM Rafah). Votre Parlement a-t-il exerc un contrle sur cette mission ? Si oui, veuillez prciser la date laquelle ce contrle a t effectu. La Commission des Affaires trangres et europennes, de la Dfense, de la Coopration et de lImmigration a procd un change de vues avec le Ministre des Affaires trangres et de lImmigration ainsi quavec le Ministre de la Dfense en date du 17 novembre 2005. Les membres de la Commission ont profit de loccasion pour poser des questions aux Ministres. La participation luxembourgeoise la mission a t autorise sur base de la loi modifie du 27 juillet 1992 relative la participation du Grand-Duch de Luxembourg des oprations pour le maintien de la paix. 21) Malta Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The Future of Europe was the focus of a series of discussions within the Foreign and European Affairs Committee. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? The Chairman of the Foreign and European Affairs Committee together with the Head of Representation of the European Commission in Malta is set to launch a series of initiatives aimed at raising awareness as to the latest developments within the European Union and which are expected to result in confidence building among the general public. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? The Maltese Parliament is actively participating in the coordinated Subsidiarity and Proportionality check and has been one of the 18 national parliaments or parliamentary chambers to have made proposals in this respect. Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. NO 22) Netherlands House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? The committee on European Affairs is in the process of planning a specific meeting about Plan D with the Commission. Furthermore a round-table disccussion will be held with representatives of civil society. The results of this discussion could be sent to the Commission in the framework of Plan D and the public consultation following the White Paper on a European communication policy. Next to the round table discussion a public debate will be held. Furthermore a debate will be planned with the Minister for European Affairs. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? The reports of the temporary committee on scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality on a new subsidiarity scrutinizing procedure for of the States-General have been adopted by both Houses. This will lead to the establishment of a new temporary joint committee on scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality according to the arrangements, set by COSAC and its chairpersons meeting. Establishment is foreseen at March 28, 2006. The committeee will (at least) scrutinize the two proposals, as decided upon by the cosac-chairpersons in Vienna. Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. On 19 December 2005 the standing committees on Foreign Affairs and on Defence of the House of Representatives have debated with the ministers of Foreign Affairs, of Defence and for development Cooperation on the participation of Dutch military personnel in the United nations Mission in Sudan. In the context of this debate also the support of the EU to AMIS in Darfur came up for discussion. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The minister of Foreign Affairs informed the House of Representatives in a letter dated 22 July 2005 on the decision of the Council on General Affairs and External Relations to establish the EUs Aceh monitoring mission. The members of the House have taken note of this decision. 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The House of Representatives did not debate the establishment of the EU border assistance mission to Mildova and Ukraine. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. On 1 November 2005 the standing committees on Foreign Affairs and on European Affairs of the House of Representatives have debated with the minister of Foreign Affairs on the agenda of the Council on General Affairs and External Relations of 7 November 2005. One of the issues discussed was the extension of the EU police mission in the Palestinian territories. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The House of Representatives did not debate the establishment of an EU police advisory team in the FYROM. 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. On 1 November 2005 the standing committees on Foreign Affairs and on European Affairs of the House of Representatives have debated with the minister of Foreign Affairs on the agenda of the Council on General Affairs and External Relations of 7 November 2005. One of the issues discussed was the establishment of an EU border assistance mission at Rafah. 23) Netherlands Senate (Eerste Kamer) Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The Dutch Senate has already undertaken several successful initiatives in connection with the reflection period/Plan D. A few examples: A public hearing on the Future of (The Netherlands in) the European Union with employees and employers, journalists, former politicians and representatives of learning institutes The Senate has asked the civil society, different organisations and institutes to give their opinion on the Legislative and Working program of the European Commission 2006 The Senate made an appeal to all citizens through the European website of the Senate ( HYPERLINK "http://www.europapoort.nl" www.europapoort.nl) to give their remarks and opinions on European proposals as well as the Senates activities in the field of the EU. The Senate thoroughly discussed the EU future with the Dutch government in the annual debate on the European Union The initiative presented to and adopted by the COSAC to request the Council to deliberate in public on certain proposals The request to the Dutch Council of State: advisory body and administrative court to report on the increase of European agencies, specifically on the criteria to establish agencies and the democratic control Annual discussion with the national Court of Auditors on the European financial management and the follow-up on the conclusions of the COSAC Luxembourg. More often press releases are being sent out with regard to European activities/issues to involve and get more coverage in the Dutch media The Senate has just recently asked the Dutch Government on her actual plans to contribute to implementing the European Commissions White Paper on a European Communication Policy. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? Yes. The committee for European Cooperation Organisations will in the upcoming committee-meeting discuss possible initiatives to contribute to the reflection period. Depending on the answer of the Dutch government in reply to the committees request for the government plans to implement the White Paper, the committee will decide on possible new initiatives. Chapter 2: Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? The temporary committee for scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality (of both the Senate and the House of Representatives) has been disband since its reports on a new States-General procedure for scrutinizing European proposals have been adopted by both the House of Representatives and the Senate. At this moment the instalment of a new joint committee to actually carry out the scrutiny (of also the proposals decided upon during the Vienna chairpersons meeting) is being discussed. The foreseen date for the official instalment is around the beginning of April. The scrutiny procedure in the Dutch Senate is also improving. Specifically the involvement of the select committees in the Senate is slowly increasing. More often a European proposal that has been brought under the attention of a select committee by the committee for European Cooperation Organisations is given a follow-up by the select committee. Normally, a European proposal is scrutinised by the Senate when the Dutch government has sent her opinion with regard to the proposal to the Senate. The last months, several European proposals became subject to the Senates scrutiny procedure when the governments opinion was not yet received. This trend is in conformity with the opinion that earlier involvement is absolutely necessary in order to really influence the wording of a proposal. Chapter 3: The Dutch Senate does not scrutinize Civilian ESDP missions (unless they are subject to a so-called Article 100 of the Dutch Constitution procedure whereby consent of the Senate is obliged, the missions mentioned were not subject to this procedure). However, the Senate discusses these matters with the government in an annual debate on the Defence budget and Foreign Affairs budget. 24) Poland (Senate) Chapter 1: What initiatives has your parliament undertaken so far in connection with the period of reflection on the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494, 13 October 2005)? Reply: There hasnt been any such initiatives undertaken in the Polish Senate so far. Does your parliament plan any further activities in this regard between now and the end of the period of reflection? Reply: The Senate European Union Affairs Committee is planning to hold a conference on the future of Europe in April this year. Politicians and experts will take part in the conference. The Polish Senate and Sejm - together with the European Parliament, will also take part in the conference on What Union? What Future? What Europe? organized by the Jagiellonian University, in Krakow, on 11-14 September this year. Chapter 2: Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? Reply: There havent been any such developments except the committee and plenary debates on the Commissions Legislative and Work Programme for 2006, during which the Commissions proposal for the next pilot subsidiarity check within the framework of COSAC was selected. In the debates subsidiarity and proportionality check by the EU national parliaments was recognized as the vital question for the future of the Union. Chapter 3: On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Reply: No, it didnt. On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Reply: No, it didnt. On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Reply: No, it didnt. On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Reply: No, it didnt. On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Reply: No, it didnt. On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Reply: No, it didnt. 25) Poland (Sejm) Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? None. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? A series of debates is to be organised by the Cabinet of the Marshall of the Sejm with participation of members, experts and journalists. Issues to be discussed are: what is the goal of European integration? What role should Europe play in the world? What is the future of the European social and economic model? How do we define the boundaries of the European Union? European Union Affairs Committee of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland is planning to organize a debate on the future of Europe at one of its meetings in April. Furthermore a plenary debate on the future of the European Union is envisaged in month of May. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? No. Chapter 3: According to the Act on Cooperation of 11 March 2004 of the Council of Ministers with the Sejm and the Senate in Matters Related to the Republic of Polands Membership in the European Union with amendments, European Union Affairs Committee does not discuss that kind of issues. In relation to the above, Council of Ministers do not feel obliged to send to the Committee draft positions about issues not belonging to EU legislation. 26) Portugal Chapter 1: Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? In the eve of the European Councilof July 2005, the Portuguese Government sent the Constitutional Treaty to the Parliament in order to be approved and sent to the President of the Republic to ratification, as states our Constitution. On the 30th of July, the Portuguese Parliament approved an amendment to the Constitution, so that the text of the Treaty could be subject to referendum. The referendum was announced to be held in October, at the same time as the local elections. However, due to the reflexion period, it was decided to suspend all the predicted procedures. The Parliament decided to postpone the Treatys approval process and launch several initiatives to debate the future of the EU. Since September, the EAC has organised/hosted: - 13 EAC ordinary meetings on this subject; - 3 meetings with the Secretary of State of the European Affairs; - 1 meeting with the Foreign Affairs Minister; - 1 meeting with a delegation of the European Parliament AFCO; - 1 meeting with a delegation of the French National Assembly; - 1 meeting with the Charg dAffaires of the Austrian Embassy in Lisbon; - 1 meeting with the regional legislative assemblies (Azores and Madeira), the MEPs and the Secretary of State of the European Affairs. The Parliamentary monthly debate with the PM, of last December 20th, was dedicated to European issues. Last January the Portuguese Parliament also organised, in co-operation with the F Department of the European Parliament, a Seminar integrated in the Cox Programme. One of the debates was exactly about the period of reflectionon the future of Europe. Moreover, the EAC decided last December to ask for the opinion of 151 organisations of the civil society, academics and social partners, as well as of the other parliamentary standing committees on the Constitutional treaty, the ratification process and the future of Europe. The EAC invited these entities to send their contribution to the debate and to fulfil a questionnaire on these subjects. Related to this initiative, the EAC is designing a web site dedicated to the debate on the future of Europe. This web site will be launched during a public hearing with those 151 organisations, which will be organised by the EAC on the 2nd of May. The conclusions of the received contributions and questionnaires will be presented and debated at this public hearing. Please find herewith the conclusions of our request to the staff of the EACs of the 25 national Parliaments, asking what the EACs were planning to do during the period of reflection (Annexe 1). The Portuguese EAC nominated three Rapporteurs to elaborate a report (until next June) on the ratification process of the Constitutional Treaty and the future of Europe: MP Armando Frana (PS), MP Vitalino Canas (PS) and MP Mrio David (PSD). 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? See answer to question 1). Chapter 2:. 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? The EAC selected 6 proposals of the European Commissions Legislative and Working Programme for 2006 to scrutinise (Annexe 2). Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Regarding the above mentioned questions: I. Considering our Law n. 46/2003, of 22nd of August (Annexe 3), the Portuguese Parliament reviews the participation of Portuguese contingents abroad, through the parliamentary Committee on National Defence: - Government previously informs the Parliament on the decision of involving Portuguese contingence abroad (article 3./1); - Government will present a circumstantial semester report to Parliament as well as occasional or urgent information that may be requested (article 5./1); - At the end of the mission, Government has 60 days to present the final report (article 5./2). II. The rules of procedures and the competences of the parliamentary Committee on National Defence (article 3./c) states that the Committee: Reviews the participation of Portuguese contingents abroad under the National Defence Ministry authority, namely when it derives from the international compromises undertaken by the Portuguese state within the military scope or in the context of the participation of the Armed Forces in humanitarian and peace keeping missions leaded by international organisations of which Portugal is member; III. The Committee on National Defence organizes hearings with the National Defence Ministry (since the beginning of this legislature - March 2005 - the Committee has organised five of these meetings (10.05.2005, 28.06.2005, 27.07.2005, 20.09.2005 and 14.02.2006) where it is possible to gather information about that participation. IV. Moreover, during every Legislature the Committee on National Defence visits the Chief of Defence (CHOD) and receives briefings from the Armed Forces and from the CHOD. In these occasions, they change information on the number of militaries involved in each mission and future perspectives of that participation. In the current Legislature, the briefing with the CHOD took place on the 18.05.2005 and the Committee visited the three Armed Forces on the 24.05.2005, 07.06.2005 and 21.06.2005. The Committee also visited the Joint Operations Centre on the 07.02.2005 and will pay a visit to the three Operational Command Branches, after the 3rd week of March. V. A delegation of the Committee visited (from 2 to 5 of March) the Portuguese troops in Kosovo and in Bosnia-Herzegovina. 27) Slovakia Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? Parliamentarian activities supplement the Slovak government-run communication strategy on the European issues. The National Council understands the synergic effect of cooperation with other bodies active in the field, thus the primary partners when communicating Europe are Slovak government, Representation of the European Union and Information Office of the European Parliaments. The Slovak Parliament is in the process of finalising a web site which will serve as an opinion exchange forum on the current EU questions. Alongside with the information on the EU there will be an interactive forum. The political parties represented in the Slovak Parliament, MPs, leading opinion makers and non-governmental organisation will be able to express their opinions towards the questions as put forward in the European Parliament resolution on the period of reflection: the structure, subjects and context for an assessment of the debate on the European Union passed in January 2006. on what is the goal of European integration? what role should Europe have in the world? in the light of globalisation, what is the future of the European social and economic model? how do we define the boundaries of the European Union? how do we enhance freedom, security and justice? The compact web forum will allow citizens to react to the published opinions. Blogs will be available chronologically as they are sent. This interactive site will make it possible for citizens to send their opinions to the concrete articles and politicians to react to the concrete topics. The web forum will be advertised as to reach as wide public as possible. It is important that the forum becomes an interactive, often visited web site that will provide an important feedback on moods of inhabitants about the EU. Its task is not to substitute other web pages offering information on the EU, rather supplement the wide scale of information by the opinion of the National Council on the EU agenda, its relations with the EU institutions and views on European issues. After the first phase of the web site being in use, the communication policy will be assessed. The evaluation is expected at the time of the newly elected National Council members taking over their duties. Eventual discussion round table of politicians and representatives of involved NGOs can be organised. The most interesting, concise and consistent articles can be published in a collection. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? There have not been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in the National Council since October 2005. But although the National Council does not currently perform the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality, it may do so in the future. We can also mention that the Chancellery of the National Council plans to establish a special working group on subsidiarity and proportionality composed of civil servants (legal experts) coming from within the Chancellery. This working group will prepare possible scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in the National Council. Chapter 3 1. On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No Foreign Affairs Minister hearing by the Slovak Parliament European Affairs Committee was held before the 18 July 2005 GAERC meeting. On that account no scrutiny relating to Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) was held. 2. On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Given the fact that Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU Aceh monitoring mission was adopted on 9 September 2005 by the Council on the basis of special arrangements (the written procedure), the European Affairs Committee did not scrutinise the civilian ESDP mission in question. European Affairs Committee of the Slovak Parliament (in accordance with our previous practice described in the Questionnaire for the 4th COSAC biannual report) continues to scrutinise ESDP policy proposals complexly, i.e. if they are put on the GAERC agenda. If so is done, Minister of Foreign Affairs will brief MPs also on the ESDP dossier and will seek for the MPs approval concerning the ministry position related with the concerned GAERC agenda. 3. On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The European Affairs Committee session dealing with the scrutiny of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs draft position concerning the 7 November 2005 GAERC took place on 3 November 2005. Minister of Foreign Affairs reported on each point on the GAERC agenda including this one. 4. On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Minister of Foreign Affairs in his discussion with the MPs of the European Affairs Committee dealt with the joint action in question at the 3 November session of the European Affairs Committee (at the same session he was seeking for the approval of his ministry draft position concerning the 7 November 2005 GAERC session). However, though our committee decided not to have the Minister of Foreign Affairs reporting on the 21 November 2005 GAERC agenda (whereby the minister obtained the implicit approval for the ministry position concerning the session in question), Ministry for Foreign Affairs did deliver the position concerning this GAERC session in writing. This position does specify the Slovak Republics proposed contribution to the concerned joint action. 5. On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT) was agreed by the ECOFIN Council on 24 November 2005. Minister of Finance was received by the European Affairs Committee to seek for the MPs approval concerning the draft position of the Ministry of Finance, however, he did not deal with the joint action in question. Minister for Foreign Affairs did not accompany Minister of Finance to tackle this joint action during the hearing concerning ECOFIN 24 November 2005 meeting. 6. On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The scrutiny of Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah) is very similar to the scrutiny of Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU Aceh monitoring mission. There was none since the joint action in question was adopted through the written procedure and European Affairs Committee focuses on the scrutiny of draft positions submitted to the Slovak Parliament within the context of GAERC meetings. (It must be however stressed that MPs of the European Affairs Committee were briefed on some aspects of the concerned joint action since Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided the committee with the draft position in writing before 21 November GAERC meeting. This draft position, which was forwarded to MPs by electronic form, tackled the EU decision to launch shortly, as a matter of urgency, an ESDP mission to monitor the operations of the Rafah border crossing point.) 28) Slovenia (National Assembly) Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The Committee on EU Affairs of the National Assembly is mainly involved in organizing the activities of the National Assembly, Republic of Slovenia, during the period of reflection. Already in 2005 (that is, before the Commission's Plan D), our main activities of communicating EU Affairs to the general public included: The Spring Day in Europe - a youth meeting in the National Assembly on 13 April 2005 on "European Constitution" The European Week (from 10 May - 13 May 2005), with a series of public hearings on the following topics: Constitutional Treaty, the Lisbon Strategy and the Cohesion Policy An exchange of views with the Slovenian MEPs on the future of Europe (June 2005) 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? In its working plan for 2006 and in the framework of the Commission Plan D, the Committee on EU Affairs of the National Assembly, Republic of Slovenia, intends to cooperate with other competent bodies of the National Assembly, with Members of the European Parliament from Slovenia, with the European Commission, the local authorities, and the civil society. Different approaches will be necessary, considering the different interests of our counterparts. In this regard, the Committee plans to organize the following activities: The Spring Day in Europe - a youth meeting in the National Assembly on 24 March 2006, entitled: "Let's talk about our future". The European Week in the National Assembly - public hearings, organized between 9 and 12 May 2006, concerning the priority topics of the Austrian EU Presidency and other topical issues Cooperation with municipalities in presenting EU activities to the public - the Committee intends to cooperate with the municipalities (mostly through the Association of Municipalities of Slovenia, the Association of Municipality and Towns of Slovenia, and the Committee of the Regions), in order to inform the citizens of EU affairs and involve them in the discussion of EU-related topics Enhanced cooperation with the competent working bodies of the National Assembly - in 2006 the Committee will organise monthly, public joint meetings to discuss topical EU issues. The position of the Government will be presented by the relevant minister Cooperation with Members of the European Parliament from Slovenia - joint meetings of members of the Committee on EU Affairs and MEPs from Slovenia to exchange views, opinions and information on the current state of affairs in the EU. The meetings will be held every three months, expectedly in June, September, and December 2006 Cooperation with the European Commission - in 2006, a special item on the agenda of Committee meetings will be reserved for a representative of the European Commission (Commissioner or Head of the EC delegation in Slovenia) to present the views of the Commission. This year, the National Assembly already hosted the president of the EU Commission Mr Jos Manuel Barroso, the EU Commissioner for Institutional Relations and Communication Strategy, Ms Margot Wallstrm, the EU Commissioner for Science and Research Dr Janez Poto nik, the EU Commissioner for Transport Mr Jacques Barrot, the EU Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn and the EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Mr Joaquin Almunia. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? The National Assembly held the discussion on the Commission's Legislative and Work Programme for 2006 on 14 December 2005. The document was examined and debated by the competent working bodies: the Committee on EU Affairs and the Committee on Foreign Policy at the joint open session. The Commission's Programme was presented by Dr. Janez Poto nik, Commissioner for Science and Research, and Mrs. Mihaela Zupan i , Head of the EC Delegation to Slovenia. The two competent committees held a thorough debate on the programme and emphasized certain topical issues in the programme, laying no particular emphasis on specific legislative proposals of the European Commission as to their possible non-compliance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. In the COSAC Chairpersons and Troika Meeting in Vienna (19-20 February, 2006) however, the Committee on EU Affairs of The National Assembly, Republic of Slovenia, agreed together with the others on the proposed two legislative proposals that the parliaments can perform subsidiarity check on. Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Yes, the Committee on Foreign Policy (which has the power of adopting the positions of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of CFSP as well as ESDP) discussed the issue on its meeting on May 20, 2005. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No. 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The Committee on Foreign Policy (which has the power of adopting the positions of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of CFSP as well as ESDP) received the positions from the government, but did not discuss them on its meetings. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. No. 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The Committee on Foreign Policy (which has the power of adopting the positions of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of CFSP as well as ESDP) received the positions from the government, but did not discuss them on its meetings. 29) Spain Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The Joint EU Committee is about to create a Working Group which is expected to start its proceedings very soon in order to draft a report on proposals in relation to the future of Europe. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? At the present moment, no further initiatives, apart from the abovementioned Working Group on the future of Europe, have been planned on the subject. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? A Working Group on the Early Warning System included in the Protocol on Subsidiarity has been created by the Joint EU Committee. This Working Group will conduct a series of hearings starting on March 30th, in order to eventually draft a report on the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality. Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. This mission has not been scrutinised by the Joint EU Committee. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. This mission has not been scrutinised by the Joint EU Committee. 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. This mission has not been scrutinised by the Joint EU Committee. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. This mission has not been scrutinised by the Joint EU Committee. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. This mission has not been scrutinised by the Joint EU Committee. 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. This mission has not been scrutinised by the Joint EU Committee. 30) Sweden Chapter 1 1) - Debate in the Chamber (24 November) on current issues in the EU prior to 2006 (Commissions work program and the period of reflection) - Interpellation debate (27 October), The debate on the future of Europe - Visits to universities and public libraries in different Swedish Cities by members of the Committee on the Constitution and on Foreign Affairs to discuss the future of Europe. - Issues related to the period of reflection/new treaty have been dealt with by the Committee on the Constitution in a report and debated in the Chamber (5 April) 2) The Committe o nthe Constitution and the Committee for Fpregin Affairs will organize a seminar the 9 th of May for a discussion on the future of Europe. During the current period of reflection no further activities are planned. But if the period will be prolonged until 2007, further activities can be expected. Chapter 2 1) Scrutiny of subsidiarity etc is part of the current parliamentary scrutiny. There have been no specific changes in this respect. Changes were proposed but since they were related to the entry into force of the Constitutional Treaty, the changes have been put on ice also. No new treaty - no new regulations. In connection with the normal pre- and post Council Scrutiny conducted by the Committee on EU Affairs a de facto subsidiarity check is always performed. Chapter 3 The Committee on EU Affairs has scrutinized all the missions mentioned. Sometimes this is done in a broader context (for example when the Council is supposed to have a discussion and to decide on conclusions on Sudan/Darfur and this question is put on the GAERC agenda as a B-point whereas the Joint Action on a mission in Darfur might be decided as an A-point maybe on another Council agenda.) But sometimes the missions are scrutinized as such. AMIS II. Yes. 15 July 2005. Aceh. Yes. 15 July 2005. Moldova and Ukraine. Yes. 3 october 2005. EU POL COPPS. Palestinian territories. Yes. 15 July and 9 November 2005. EUPAT. Macedonia. Yes. 18 november 2005. 6) EU BAM Rafah. Yes 28. 28 October and 18 November 2005. 31) UK House of Commons Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The European Scrutiny Committee reported on Plan D in its twenty-second report (dated 15 March 2006) and recommended that it should be debated in a European Standing Committee. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? The European Scrutiny Committee has no specific plans to ask for further debates. It would be possible for the Government to arrange a debate on its own initiative. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? No. The European Scrutiny Committee will of course pay particular attention to subsidiarity and proportionality issues in scrutinising the two proposals identified by the COSAC chairpersons in February for this process. Chapter 3: 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Scrutinised by the European Scrutiny Committee on 13 July 2005. No substantive report. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Scrutinised by the European Scrutiny Committee on 12 October 2005, and reported in report of that date (5th Report) 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Scrutinised by the European Scrutiny Committee on 13 July 2005. No substantive report. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Scrutinised by the European Scrutiny Committee on 2 November 2005, and reported in report of that date (8th Report). 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Scrutinised by the European Scrutiny Committee on 16 November 2005, and reported in report of that date (10th Report). 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Scrutinised by the European Scrutiny Committee on 23 November 2005, and reported in report of that date (11th Report). 32) UK House of Lords Chapter 1: 1) Whatinitiatives hasyourparliament undertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005) ? The Select Committee on the European Union is conducting an inquiry into public awareness and the role of the House of Lords, which will report during May. Copies of the report will be made available to COSAC colleagues. The House as a whole regularly debates EU matters, including issues related to the future of Europe. 2) Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? See (1) above. Chapter 2: 1) Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiarity and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? The Committees report of April 2005 on the Constitutional Treatys subsidiarity mechanism was followed by a Government response and follow-up report in November 2005. The two reports were debated in the House on 15 December 2005. All Sub-Committees continue to monitor subsidiarity and proportionality issues as part of their ongoing scrutiny work. Chapter 3: Background:The 4th biannual report showed that Civilian ESDP missions are an areawhere there is rapid growth in the level of EU activities.This has been emphasised by the fact that since the questionnaire forthe 4thbiannual report was sent out, 6 more operations have been agreed by the Council. 1) On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Sub-Committee C (Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy) of the House of Lords EU Committee scrutinised the operation on 14 July 2005 on the basis of an explanatory memorandum from the Government dated 6 July. 2) On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Sub-Committee C (Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy) took note of the operation on 27 July 2005 on the basis of a letter from the Government dated 20 July when later formally deposited the document was not sifted for scrutiny. 3) On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. The EU border mission to Ukraine/Moldova is in fact an EC mission, funded by the External Relations budget and run by the Commission so not an ESDP mission. The Joint Action, agreed on 7 November 2005, did not authorise the mission but amended the Moldova Special Representatives mandate to take account of the Commission mission. Sub-Committee C (Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy) scrutinised the Joint Action on 3 November 2005 on the basis of a government explanatory memorandum dated 20 October. A letter was sent to the Minister on 3 November. 4) On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing an EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Sub-Committee C (Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy) scrutinised the operation on 3 November 2005 on the basis of an explanatory memorandum from the Government dated 27 October 2005. 5) On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing an EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Sub-Committee C (Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy) scrutinised the operation on 17 November 2005 on the basis of an explanatory memorandum from the Government dated 15 November. The Committee Chairman wrote to the Minister about the operation on 22 November. 6) On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Sub-Committee C (Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy) scrutinised the operation on 24 November 2005 considered on the basis of an explanatory memorandum from the Government dated 21 November 2005. 33) The European Parliament 5th biannual report - contributions of the European Parliament Chapter 1: Stock taking of debates in national parliaments on the period of reflection Activities of the AFCO committee After the negative outcome of referenda on the Constitutional Treaty held in France and the Netherlands and the following European Council of 16/17 June 2005, Parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) discussed options of action during the period of reflection within the process of ratification. The prevailing feeling was that even if the actual preparation of activities would have to take place on different levels AFCO could play a suggesting and initiating role. It was held furthermore that whilst the European Council had by no means suspended the ratification process but rather extended it in time, AFCO should go on sending delegations to national parliaments in order to discuss the state of affairs trying to contribute positively to the forming of opinions on constitutional matters. It may be recalled that AFCO has up to now carried out nine delegation visits to national parliaments: London, 25 January 2005, Brussels, 2 March, Paris, 16 March, Luxemburg, 29 April, Tallinn, 30/31 May, Warsaw, 27/28 June, Prague, 4/5 October, Lisbon, 21/22 November, and Helsinki, 7/8 March 2006, where a strong plea was made for Finland to ratify now. For the second half of the year a delegation is planned to Vilnius and a meeting with the European Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag will probably take place either in Berlin or in Brussels. On 7 July 2005 AFCO was authorised by the Conference of Presidents to draw up an own initiative report on the period of reflection: structure, subjects and context for an assessment of the debate on the European Union. The report, prepared by the co-rapporteurs, Andrew Duff and Johannes Voggenhuber, led to a resolution adopted on 19 Januaray 2006 by which it is proposed that the European Parliament and national parliaments should jointly organise conferences - 'Parliamentary Forums' - in order to stimulate the debate and to shape, step by step, the necessary political conclusions. The first event of this kind is now scheduled for 8 and 9 May 2006. At this occasion it is intended to address a limited number of priority questions about the future of Europe and the governance of the Union, such as: i) Europe in the world and the borders of Europe ii) globalisation and the European social and economic model? iii) freedom, security and justice: what is the outlook? iv) future resources of the Union? Alongside with the elaboration of this report, AFCO continued its exchanges with the academic world by organising a symposium on 13/14 October 2005 on the future of the constitutional process of the European Union. Fifteen experts from Universities and 'think tanks' all over Europe were heard and engaged in a lively debate. At the same time AFCO developed the debate with the social partners and the civil society at large. Thus, a 'European Forum for the Social Partners' was held on 21 March with UNICE, ETUC and CEEP participating and a 'European Forum for the Civil Society' is scheduled for 24/25 April Chapter 2: Subsidiarity and proportionality We are not contributing to this part Chapter 3: Follow up on issues raised in COSAC's October Contribution Chapter 3.1: Scrutiny of CFSP and ESDP The European Parliament in its Resolution on the annual report from the Council to the European Parliament on the main aspects and basic choices of CFSP, including the financial implications for the general budget of the European Communities, proposed by Mr Elmar Bork, the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and adopted by the MEP's on 2 February 2006 expressed the intention "to contribute to efforts to increase democratic accountability as regards CFSP issues by holding regular discussion with national parliaments within the framework of the quarterly exchange of views with the High Representative/Secretary General of the Council and the Commissioner for External Relations, including discussion concerning amendments proposed by national parliaments to Parliament's Annual Report on CFSP". Moreover, the European Parliament in its resolution encouraged both the Council and the Member States to further increase parliamentary scrutiny of the ESDP, at national level, by enhancing the role played by national parliaments in the authorisation of ESDP operations, and, at European level, by giving Parliament a major role in the scrutiny of the entire CSFP budget. The important part of the Resolution is related to the financing of the CFSP by stressing that the joint costs for military operations within the framework of ESDP should be funded from the Community budget (as already occurs in the civil sphere in the case of police operations), thereby discounting the existing practice of Member States' subsidiary budgets or start-up funds. The Resolution stressed that any future ESDP operations in the fight against terrorism, and in opposition to existing rules such as the principle that "cost lie where they fall" or any other ad hoc arrangement such as the ATHENA mechanism, the joint costs of such operations should also be financed from the Community budget. It is to be noted that the amount spent by Member States based on "cost lie where they fall" and those managed under the ATHENA mechanism fall outside the General Budget of the European Union, which the Treaties do not require to be presented to the Parliament. Sources: 1) Resolution on the annual report from the Council to the European Parliament on the main aspects and basic choices of CFSP, including the financial implications for the general budget of the European Communities, proposed by Mr Elmar Bork, the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and adopted by the MEP's on 2 February 2006 2) Note prepared for SEDE on Financing of ESDP, DG EXPOL, Policy Department, 11 January 2006 Chapter 3.2: Better Regulation Following the Commission's communication on 'Better regulation for growth and jobs in the EU', within the context of the Lisbon Strategy, the European Parliament geared up its activities in this area and adopted several related reports in its plenary session on 4 April 2006. The Legal Affairs Committee, put forward an own-initiative report on Better lawmaking 2004: application of the principle of subsidiarity (rapporteur: Bert DOORN, EPP-ED, NL), stressing the need for any Community legislation adopted to comply fully with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. The report supported the ambition of improving European legislation, with a view to enhancing growth and jobs, and underlined the need for an integrated and consistent approach to initiatives on "better regulation". The "better regulation" debate is seen by the EP as an occasion for reflection on legislation as a process designed to achieve clearly defined policy goals by committing and involving all stakeholders during all phases of the process from preparation to enforcement. Moreover Member States were encouraged to exchange experiences in the use of impact assessment. Among other recommendations, the need for the European Parliament to play a more active role in monitoring the implementation of European legislation in the Member States, and to make use of the network between the European Parliament and the national and/or regional parliaments, was underlined. The Internal Market Committee (rapporteur: Arlene McCARTHY, PES, UK), put forward an own-initiative report on the implementation, consequences and impact of the internal market legislation in force. The committee emphasized the need for a common approach to better regulation, based on a core set of regulatory principles, namely subsidiarity, proportionality, accountability, consistency, transparency and targeting. The report also stressed the need for Parliament, Council and the Commission to establish 'better regulation' task forces, to set up an inter-institutional working group to develop training, skills and quality control and to share and benchmark better regulation best practice. It was also highlighted that Member States must ensure that they are not causing new implementation problems by imposing additional requirements at national level when transposing Community legislation (gold-plating). As part of its debate on the Better Lawmaking initiative, the European Parliament considered two further reports on how EU laws are applied. The first, drawn up by Monica Frassoni (Greens/EFA, IT) for the Legal Affairs Committee, set out a range of measures the Commission should take to improve Member States implementation of their obligations, while the second, by Giuseppe Gargani (EPP-ED, IT), for the same committee, strongly backed the Commissions proposals on regulatory simplification, whether by repealing irrelevant or obsolete texts, codifying texts which have become over complex thanks to repeated amendment, or recasting measures which need revising and updating. Chapter 3.3: Openness in the Council The European Parliament took action to contribute to transparency and democratic scrutiny of the EU institutions. In two reports adopted on 4 April 2006, the EP calls for the Council to meet in public when it is acting as a legislator, and requests the Commission to revise existing rules and to table new legislation by the end of this year on "the right of access" to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents. Report by Mr. Mintz adopted at the plenary 4 April 2006 The European Parliament adopted a report from which calls for the Council to meet in public when it is acting as a legislator. The report, by David Hammerstein Mintz (Greens/EFA, ES), backs a call from the European Ombudsman for the Council to review its refusal to do so. At the October 2005 meeting of the Committee on Petitions the European Ombudsman - for the first time appearing at his own request (pursuant to Article 195 (3) of Parliament's Rules of Procedure) - submitted his Special Report on transparency of meetings of the Council of Ministers when it acts in its legislative capacity. The Committee decided to request authorisation to draw up an own-initiative report on the Ombudsman's Special Report, and Mr Hammerstein Mintz (Greens/EFA, ES) was nominated rapporteur. In his Special Report Mr Diamandouros found that the Council had given no valid reasons for refusing to conduct its legislative meetings in public. His recommendation was that: "The Council of the European Union should review its refusal to decide to meet publicly whenever it is acting in its legislative capacity." The Ombudsman added that Parliament could consider adopting his recommendation as a resolution. The Ombudsman's inquiry into this matter is based on a complaint by Mr Elmar Brok, MEP, and a representative of the youth group of the German CDU, in which they allege that the Council's Rules of Procedure are not in conformity with Article 1 (2) of the Treaty on European Union (as amended by the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997), according to which the Council and the other Community institutions and bodies must take decisions as openly as possible and as closely as possible to the citizens. Mr Mintz stated that it is not only a matter of principle that legislative bodies should meet in public, it is also of direct relevance to the European Parliament as well as national parliaments in their scrutiny role. For national parliaments it is of the utmost importance to be able to hold their governments and individual ministers to account and this cannot be done effectively if it is not clear how ministers have acted in the Council. Meeting in public would make the Council's work both more transparent and more relevant to citizens. The Ombudsman considers that the meetings of the Council when it acts in its legislative capacity are not open to the public and that the Council's refusal to decide to open up these meetings is an instance of maladministration. The Special Report shows it does not require a Treaty change to be implemented; it could be brought about through a change in the Council's Rules of Procedure. Indeed, following the reforms agreed at Seville, these Rules have been changed in order to increase transparency, and the Council now occasionally meets partly in public when legislating. The EPs rapporteur endorsed the Ombudsman's conclusions and considers it unacceptable that an important law-making body of the EU still meets behind closed doors when acting as a legislator, especially at a time when the EU sees itself as a promoter of democratisation and accountability. It should therefore be seen to be practising what it preaches. Mr Mintz was of the opinion that the European Parliament, through its competent committees, and together with all other parties that are working towards greater transparency of European governance, should bring maximum pressure to bear on the Council in order to persuade it to follow the Ombudsman's recommendation and adapt its Rules of Procedure. Arguing that it is of the utmost importance for national parliaments to be able to hold their governments and ministers to account, and that meeting in public would make the Councils work both more transparent and more relevant to European citizens, Members of the European Parliament call on the Council to take all measures needed to make the meetings in which it is acting in its legislative capacity open and accessible to the public. The resolution contains also the request that the Council meetings should be broadcast and web cast, as well as for official transcripts of the legislative meetings to be issued. Report of Mr Michael Cashman was adopted by the EP on 4 April 2006 The existing EU legislation on public access to the institutions' texts was the fruit of lengthy negotiations between Parliament and Council before its adoption at second reading in 2001. The European Parliament feels now that the final formulation has proven too vague as far as access to EU documents and Council activities is concerned. Following this feeling, European Parliament, in a non-binding report by Michael Cashman (PES, UK), adopted a package of recommendations calling on the Commission to revise the existing rules and to table new legislation by the end of this year on "the right of access" to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents. Firstly, the amended regulation requires access to be granted to all preparatory documents linked to a legislative procedure --including the opinions of legal services-- and also to the records of the Council debates where these institutions are "acting in their role as legislators" and to the identity of the author of each initiative. Secondly, the existing legislation should be modified as to define more clearly on what basis specific documents may be classified as confidential, "in order to protect the essential interests of the EU. MEPs want to prevent documents being classified as confidential "as a matter of routine, simply because they refer to an issue which is or might be relevant from a security point of view". Finally, the European Union should limit the right of Member States to restrict access to their contributions and amendments in co-decision and other legislative procedures, say MEPs. 34) FYROM Chapter 1: Whatinitiatives hasyourparliamentundertaken so far in connection withthe period of reflectionon the future of Europe and/or in the framework of the Commissions Plan D (COM(2005) 494,13 October 2005)? Does your parliament plan anyfurther activities in this regardbetween now and the end of the period of reflection? Answers: 1) Reffering to the Constitutional treaty/period of reflection for the Europe day, in May 2005, our EAC, together with the European Movement of Macedonia (NGO), organized a debate on the EU Constitution. This debate was broadcasted in whole on the parlamentary TV chanel. The participants included MPs, NGO, experts and interested citizens. There were also debates on the TV chanels, where the Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs participated. 2) Because we are in the pre-election period, at the moment we do not have any activities in the Parliament about the period of reflection. But we are very interested in closing this item by the EU member states, considering that the ratification of the Constiutution Treaty will contribute to continuing the process of enlargement of the EU. Within the framework of the manifestation "Parliamentary Days 2006", by which we commemorate Europe Day, in May, the EAC and European Movement of the Republic of Macedonia are considering to organise an open debate about the period of reflection and the impact that the European Constitution will have on future enlargement of the EU. Chapter 2: Have there been any developments relating to the scrutiny of subsidiary and proportionality in your parliament since October 2005? Answer: The EAC had only an informative discussion about the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality at its meetings. The EAC Chairperson presented the COSAC documents referring to the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality to the members of the Committee and than to all MPs. As a candidate country we are in the phase of only adopting the EU legistlation, with no active say on its creation as the national parliaments of the member states do. However, we have concluded that these principles will have to be reflected in our rules of parliamentary procedure and committee work once we become a member state. We also suggest that COSAC should open a debate and give recommendations how these principles should be reflected in the work of the national parliaments of EU candidate countries. Chapter 3: On 18July 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP establishing the EU civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in the Darfur region of Sudan (AMIS II) (AMIS EU supporting action). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Answer: NO On 9September 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP establishing the EU's Aceh monitoring mission (Indonesia). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Answer: NO On 7 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/776/CFSP establishing an EU border assistance mission to Moldova and Ukraine. Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Answer: NO On 14 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/797/CFSP establishing a EU police mission in the Palestinian territories (EU POL COPPS). Answer: NO Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Answer: NO On 24 November 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/826/CFSP establishing a EU police advisory team in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (EUPAT). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Answer: Considering that the EUPAT mission is established in December 2005, the Committee will scrutinise its work after six months work, to be more precise, in July this year (or after the 2006 parliamentary election). EAC scrutinised the EUPOL "PROKSIMA" mission every six months, and prepared biannual reports to inform the Parliament. At the end of the mission the Committee made a final report for the whole period starting from 15 December 2003 - until 15 December 2005. In this report the activities of the mission related to giving technical assistance, the reforms of the police, combating organised crime and the realisation of project of CARDS programme were positively assessed. After the establishment of the EUPOL "PROKSIMA" mission (15 December 2003) the Speaker of the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia, the Chairperson of the EAC and the Coordinators of the political parties represented in the Parliament visited the mission PROXIMA in its office. However we want to note that EAC through the web site of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, made a survey on the questions: "Do the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia believe in the PROXIMA?" and "Do the mission PROXIMA helps the Macedonian police to implement the EU standards?" * * * * * * The EAC also recommended that the parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee On Defence and Security ask Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare biannual reports on the macedonia joining EU positions in the sphere of EU foreign and security policy and on common defence issues. The new Law on Foreign Affairs has given this recommendation a legal framework. On 12 December 2005, the Council agreed Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing an EU borderassistance mission at Rafah crossing point in the Palestinian territories (EU BAM Rafah). Did your parliament scrutinise this mission? If 'yes', please specify when this scrutiny took place. Answer: NO 35) Results of a query conducted by the Portuguese parliament on the Future of Europe Websites Reflexo sobre o futuro do Tratado Constitucional Europeu na Internet Quadro Comparativo dos Portais na Internet dos Parlamentos Nacionais da UE Nota prvia: Catorze Estados (Alemanha, ustria, Blgica, Chipre, Eslovquia, Eslovnia, Espanha, Grcia, Hungria, Itlia, Letnia, Litunia, Luxemburgo, Malta) j ratificaram o Tratado; dois (Frana e Pases Baixos) rejeitaram o Tratado por referendo; e nove Estados (Dinamarca, Estnia, Finlndia, Irlanda, Polnia, Portugal, Reino Unido, Repblica Checa, Sucia) ainda no se pronunciaram. PasEstado da arteAlemanhaThe Bundesrat does not have a special home page on the Constitutional Treaty.The Treatywas ratified in Germany in May 2005. The German Bundestag itself does not provide an internet forum or homepage dedicated to the European Constitutional Treaty or the period of reflection. Nonetheless, German citizens find all information about this matter on the pages of the German foreign ministry on HYPERLINK http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/de/europa/verfassung/index_html http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/de/europa/verfassung/index_html including a link to the German website of the European union on the Constitutional Treaty.BlgicaThe Belgian House of representatives doesn't organise an internet forum on the future of the European Union. We already had a parliamentary debate (19/10/2005) and probably others will follow. May I also draw your attention to the recent book of our prime minister in which the Belgian vision on Europe is expressed (Verhofstadt, The United nations of Europe) The Belgian Senate does not have such a forum or homepage.DinamarcaThe Danish Parliament has launched a website concerning the period of reflectioncalled "Citizens' Agenda". The website is the central point of reference forthe period of reflection in Denmark and contains an overview of public meetings to be held in Denmark and a web based forum for debate.Various background documents and information, such as feedback from the public debate, will becollected on the site. The website will expand during the spring of 2006 as the debate unfolds. The website can be found (in English) at this address:  HYPERLINK "http://www.borgernesdagsorden.dk/english/" \o "http://www.borgernesdagsorden.dk/english/" http://www.borgernesdagsorden.dk/english/EslovquiaI would like to inform you that the Slovak Parliament has been considering an option of creating a web forum dedicated to the current questions under the period of reflection. As soon as it is officially opened to the public, I shall let you know. We expect it would be in the near future. Meanwhile  HYPERLINK "http://www.euroinfo.gov.sk/" \o "http://www.euroinfo.gov.sk/" www.euroinfo.gov.sk financed by the Slovak Government offers an extensive summary of all happenings within the EU and as well issues on the EU Constitution and serves as an information source about the EU. Eslovnia the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia does not have a special home page designated to the Constitutional Treaty ( we ratified the Treaty on February 1, 2005). However, the Slovenian government (Government Office for Information) has created a homepage with all the vital info on the Constitutional Treaty for Slovenian citizens. The link is  HYPERLINK "http://evropa.gov.si/ustava/" http://evropa.gov.si/ustava/ I would like to inform you that the Slovak Parliament has been considering an option of creating a web forum dedicated to the current questions under the period of reflection. As soon as it is officially opened to the public, I shall let you know. We expect it would be in the near future. Meanwhile  HYPERLINK "http://www.euroinfo.gov.sk/" \o "http://www.euroinfo.gov.sk/" www.euroinfo.gov.sk financed by the Slovak Government offers an extensive summary of all happenings within the EU and as well issues on the EU Constitution and serves as a information source about the EU.EstniaNo, we've no such special site by the Parliament. We have (non-updated) site with our so-called White Hall Forum (in fact it is almost like an open session of our Committee, also available on the Internet with contributions, but in Estonian  HYPERLINK "http://www.riigikogu.ee/?c_tpl=1037&id=33269" \o "http://www.riigikogu.ee/?c_tpl=1037&id=33269" http://www.riigikogu.ee/?c_tpl=1037&id=33269) and one of the subjects has been the Treaty HYPERLINK "mms://media.riigikogu.ee/vsf02" \o "mms://media.riigikogu.ee/vsf02" \t "_blank" mms://media.riigikogu.ee/vsf02 . We have (on our website) also a report of our Constitutional Experts' Group on the Constitutional Analysis of the Treaty (if it is a Foreign Treaty or a Constitution). The informing of general public (etc) on EU matters is done by our State Chancellery:  HYPERLINK "http://www.riigikantselei.ee/?id=3150&&langchange=1" \o "http://www.riigikantselei.ee/?id=3150&&langchange=1" http://www.riigikantselei.ee/?id=3150&&langchange=1  HYPERLINK "http://www.riigikantselei.ee/?id=5025" \o "http://www.riigikantselei.ee/?id=5025" http://www.riigikantselei.ee/?id=5025FinlndiaThe Parliament of Finland has no such page.Frana unlienaveclesiteinternet"Europe"del'Assemblenationale, danslequelilyaunforumsurl'avenirdel'UEsousformedequestionnaire. l'Assemble nationale a un site internet gnral sur l'ensemble de ses activits et depuis quelques jours il comporte un questionnaire interactif sur l'avenir de l'Union o les internautes peuvent rpondre une srie de questions portant notamment sur le trait constitutionnel europen. Il convient galement de se reporter la page de l'Union europenne tablie par la Dlgation pour l'Union europenne. L'Assemble nationale participe ainsi au dbat sur l'avenir de l'Union. I inform you that the French National Assembly has created an Internet forum dealing with the future of Europe. The citizens are invited to answer online to a quiz. You cango to the website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/europe/" \o "http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/europe/" http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/europe/ and click on the right on "Questionnaire interactif sur l'avenir de l'Europe". I also inform you that the President of the European Commission, Mr Barrosso, will participate to a debate on plenary session at the French National Assembly next Tuesday, january 24th. GrciaThe reply to your question is negative on behalf of the Hellenic Parliament. There is a Government site for the Constitutional Treaty, containing information for the citizens: www. europe4me".gr The Parliament used to have a homepage only during the Convention for the future of Europe and the IGC.HungriaNO such homepage in the Hungarian National Assembly.IrlandaThe Joint Committee on European Affairs of the Houses of the Oireachtas do not have a page (although the committee does have a web page) dedicated to the Treaty/Period of reflection.ItliaI would like to inform you that during the debate on the future of Europe and the drafting of the Constitutional Treaty the Italian Chamber of deputies had an Internet webpage dedicated to all the topics related to the EU reforms. Such a page included the principal reference documents, both Italian and European, as well as information and papers concerning initiatives on the future of Europe promoted in Italy. Since our House has already ratified the Constitutional Treaty, this page hasnt been updated. Further initiatives dealing with the period of reflection will be probably launched by the new Parliament to be shortly elected.Luxemburgo The Chamber of Deputies had a section on the Constitutional Treaty in preparation of the referendum on the Constitution which took place in July 2005, but this forum is no longer operational. MaltaThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not have a homepage on the Constitutional Treaty, however, as you undoubtedly know, the Malta Parliament has ratified the Constitutional Treaty on 6th July 2005.Pases Baixos In the Dutch Senate we indeed have a homepage for the European Constitution. We made a theme-page for the European Convention, after that a theme-page for the IGC and after that for the European Constitution. The activities of the Dutch senate in the reflection period are not categorised on one page but can be found throughout the homepages of the Senates committees on European Affairs and Justice and Home Affairs. Although the website is in Dutch, the address is  HYPERLINK "http://www.europapoort.nl/" \o "http://www.europapoort.nl/" www.europapoort.nl , the specific link to the theme page on the Constitution is:  HYPERLINK "http://europapoort.eerstekamer.nl/9345000/1/j9vvgy6i0ydh7th/vgw3fiidckmd" \o "http://europapoort.eerstekamer.nl/9345000/1/j9vvgy6i0ydh7th/vgw3fiidckmd" http://europapoort.eerstekamer.nl/9345000/1/j9vvgy6i0ydh7th/vgw3fiidckmd The Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) has no website or theme page dedicated specifically to the reflection period. As with the Senate, citizens, the media and civil society interested in the post-constitution debate will have to keep a watch on the activities of the European Affairs committee through the Houses general website,  HYPERLINK "http://www.tweedekamer.nl/" \o "http://www.tweedekamer.nl/" www.tweedekamer.nl. During the campaign for the referendum on the European Constitution that took place in June 2005, most political parties in the Netherlands had (sections of their) websites dedicated to the European Constitution, but most of these have been taken down. A few parties have published pamphlets outlining their view on Europe after the referendum. These can be found on their websites. Parliament had some information as well, but this has been removed too. PolniaIn response to your question regarding an internet forum or homepage dedicated to the Constitutional Treaty/period of reflection, we enclose the address of the European Information and Documentation Centre (OIDE) web site: "Constitutional Treaty - debate". The web site provides the text of the Treaty (with index), its short characteristic, links to Polish Government internet forum and "Europa" web site dedicated to the Treaty as well as bibliography: documents of the European Convention, Polish and foreign major publications (including those of think tanks) concerning the issues of the Constitutional Treaty. Thebibliography is constantly updated.  HYPERLINK "http://libr.sejm.gov.pl/oide/index.php?topic=traktat_debata&id=main&col=&newlang=english" \o "http://libr.sejm.gov.pl/oide/index.php?topic=traktat_debata&id=main&col=&newlang=english" http://libr.sejm.gov.pl/oide/index.php?topic=traktat_debata&id=main&col=&newlang=englishReino UnidoOn behalf of the House of Lords the answer is no. The European Union Committee is however conducting an inquiry into presenting and explaining the EU and details can be found at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/lords_eu_select_committee.cfm" \o "http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/lords_eu_select_committee.cfm" http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/lords_eu_select_committee.cfm ________________________________________ No, we haven't, at the UK House of CommonsRep. ChecaThere is no special website dedicated to this topic in the Czech Senate. Nevertheless,some information is available at the homepageThe Czech Senate and the European Union ( HYPERLINK "http://www.senat.cz/evropa/index-eng.html" \o "http://www.senat.cz/evropa/index-eng.html" http://www.senat.cz/evropa/index-eng.html), which has more general nature.Rep. MacedniaThe National Assembly of the Republic ofMacedonia does not have a special home page designated to the Constitutional Treaty yet. I will add and this information about your question about internet forumor dedicated to the Constitutional treaty/period of reflection. That for the Europe day, in May 2005, our EAC, together with the European Movement of Macedonia (NGO), had organized debateon the E. Constitution. This debate was transmitted in whole on the parliamentary TV channel. The participants included MPs, NGO, experts and interested citizens.RomniaUnfortunately we do not have such an internet forum dedicated to the Constitutional Treaty. But is in an excellent idea, I will propose to have it here too.Sucia The Parliament - neither the Parliament as such nor the EU Affairs Committee - does have a forum for discussion in its website. However, a thematic site is available at the EU Information Centre's web, see link (in Swedish only). But this site just comprise static info and it's not possible to chat or anything.  HYPERLINK "http://www.eu-upplysningen.se/templates/EUU/TemaStartNewTemplate____2666.aspx" http://www.eu-upplysningen.se/templates/EUU/TemaStartNewTemplate____2666.aspx Instead, the government has entrusted a Commission with the task to stimulate the debate on the future of EU. A forum can be found on their web (link below). It's also this body that will provide the government with information about the debate in Sweden, including events and debates in the Swedish Parliament, in time for the report to the European Council this summer.  HYPERLINK "http://www.eu2004.se/extra/pod/?action=pod_show&id=1&module_instance=2" http://www.eu2004.se/extra/pod/?action=pod_show&id=1&module_instance=2TurquiaGrand National Assembly of Turkey doesnt have home page dedicated to the Constitutional Treaty. However it is possible to find relevant info in the web sites of different Turkish Institutes. You can find some info noted below these web sites. Best wishes, Mustafa  HYPERLINK "http://www.uidergisi.com/" \o "http://www.uidergisi.com/" www.uidergisi.com  HYPERLINK "http://www.turkishpolicy.com/" \o "http://www.turkishpolicy.com/" www.turkishpolicy.com  HYPERLINK "http://www.insightturkey.com/" \o "http://www.insightturkey.com/" www.insightturkey.com  HYPERLINK "http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/" \o "http://www.turkishdailynews.com.tr/" www.turkishdailynews.com.tr  HYPERLINK "http://www.turkishtime.org/" \o "http://www.turkishtime.org/" www.turkishtime.org  HYPERLINK "http://www.byegm.gov.tr/" \o "http://www.byegm.gov.tr/" www.byegm.gov.tr  HYPERLINK "http://www.tesev.org.tr/" \o "http://www.tesev.org.tr/" www.tesev.org.tr Actualizada a 9 de Fevereiro de 2006  La circulaire est disponible en lig:; ·k`Q`jhqKUmHnHuhqKmHnHu2jhqKhqK>*B*UmHnHphuhqKmHnHuh0hqK0JmHnHu$jh0hqK0JUmHnHujh Uh 5CJOJQJ&h")h 5>*CJ OJQJ^JaJ h 5>*CJ OJQJ^JaJ hM7h h jh UmHnHu     ; d " h $a$gd  Wgd gd ۵J d           5 6 7 8 B C D ^ _ ` a b c d e f ¹«p¹«V«2jhqKhqK>*B*UmHnHphu jwhqKUmHnHuh0hqK0JmHnHsH u2jhqKhqK>*B*UmHnHphuh0hqK0JmHnHuhqKmHnHu$jh0hqK0JUmHnHuhqKmHnHujhqKUmHnHu j}hqKUmHnHu     - . / 0 ? @ A [ \ ¹««Հ¹«f«U jehqKUmHnHu2jhqKhqK>*B*UmHnHphu jkhqKUmHnHu2jhqKhqK>*B*UmHnHphuh0hqK0JmHnHuhqKmHnHu$jh0hqK0JUmHnHuhqKmHnHujhqKUmHnHu jqhqKUmHnHu!d  b L  Z  ` hY!6:0" h \ ] _ ` a b c d һɻһһɻvһeһ jYhqKUmHnHu2jhqKhqK>*B*UmHnHphu j_hqKUmHnHu2jhqKhqK>*B*UmHnHphuh0hqK0JmHnHuhqKmHnHu$jh0hqK0JUmHnHuhqKmHnHujhqKUmHnHu'     ) * + E F G I J K L M N j k l m λ谡vfU jMhqKUmHnHuh0hqK0JmHnHsH u2jhqKhqK>*B*UmHnHphu jShqKUmHnHujhqKUmHnHuhqKmHnHu$jh0hqK0JUmHnHu2jhqKhqK>*B*UmHnHphuh0hqK0JmHnHuhqKmHnHu!     ! 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