Parliaments of member States
of european policy by member states national parliaments
1�) Since 1995, has the
role of your committee been modified, either in its proceedings or in its relationship to
other other bodies in your Parliament ?
2�) Do you think that
your committee receives european legislative proposals in sufficient time ? Has the
protocol on the role of the national Parliaments in the european Union of the Treaty of
Amsterdam improved the situation ?
3�) Do you think that
your committee gets an adequate period of time to consider these legislative
proposals ? Has the aforementionned protocol improved the situation ?
4�) Art.. 7 of the Rules
of Procedure of the Council of the European Union is the base for the notion of
'legislative proposal' as understood by the protocol on the role of the national
Parliaments in the european Union of the Treaty of Amsterdam. In your opinion, is this
definition satisfactory or do you think that some acts, not deemed as legislative by art.
7, should be included in the definition ?
If so, which ones ?
5�) Do you think your
committee sufficiently informed, and in good time, on the proceedings of other EU affairs
committees? In what ways could the system be improved ?
6�) Are members of your
committee participants to the joint meetings organized by the European Parliament ?
If such is the case, is there any improvements you would like to suggest ?
Extract of the Protocol of Amsterdam, of the Treaty establishing the European Community and of the
Council's Rules of Procedure