Documents of the XXIIIrd COSAC
Versailles, 16th-17th October 2000


puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) Invitation

puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) Methods of examination and adoption for draft contributions

puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) Draft contributions

puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) Texts adopted

puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) Questionnaires

star_small.gif (6019 octets) Answers to the questionnaires : summary, by State


In order to prepare the debate on scrutiny of European policy by the national Parliaments, two questionnaires have been prepared : one dealing with the member states, the other one dealing with the applicant states.

1�) Parliaments of member states.

The first questionnaire, designed for member states, aims at showing the different changes that took place in the last few years in the scrutiny of european policy. It should also allow to establish the impact of the provisions included in the Protocol of the Treaty of Amsterdam on the role of the National Parliaments in the EU.

puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) Text of the questionnaire : in html or in text format (for downloading)

puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) Annex to the questionnaire (extracts of the Protocol of Amsterdam, of the Treaty establishing the European Community and of the Council's Rules of Procedure)

2�) Parliaments of applicant states

The second questionnaire, designed for applicant states should enable to draw a comparison between the operation of parliamentary committees dealing with EU access in applicant member states.

Besides, an update of the European Parliament 1998 study of the workings of committees dealing with EU access should be useful. We have updated this research as much as possible, just in French for the moment. All participants could assess the information and supplement it when necessary.

puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) Text of the questionnaire : in html, or in text format (for downloading)

puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) Annexes :

- study of the European Parliament (text format) : Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Roumania, Slovakia, Slovenia

- available updatings in French (text format) : Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Roumania, Slovakia, Slovenia

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