

XVI COSAC, The Hague, 9th - 10th June 1997


puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) Declaration on Transparency

(XVI COSAC, The Hague, June 1997)

The COSAC, meeting in The Hague on 9 and 10 June 1997


that it is necessary to bring Europe closer to the citizens;

that the democratic legitimacy must be reinforced;

that the transparancy of the decision-making process in the European Union must be improved;

Is of the opinion :

that proposed legislation and the legislative acts of the Union should be accessible;

that when the Council acts in its legislative capacity the results of votes and explanation of votes as

well as statements in the minutes shall be made public;

that a reinforced Declaration 13, as described in the conclusions of the CEAC in October 1996 in Dublin, and which the Dutch Presidency has included in its final proposals to the IGC should be give treaty force;

that the six weeks delay mentioned in these proposals should be applicable to all Commission acts of a legislative nature.