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The future development of the European Union
1. COSAC expresses its strong support for the enlargement process of the EU and calls on the Governments of the Member States to take appropriate measures so that the ratification process of the Treaty of Nice is completed by the beginning of 2002.

2. COSAC underlines the role of national Parliaments in the debate about the future development of the European Union. National Parliaments are close to their voters, and can thus function as a link between the voters and the debate at the European level. National Parliaments should therefore actively and continuously foster a public dialogue about the matters under concern. COSAC stresses the necessity to include the Parliaments in the candidate countries in the debate.

3. A Convention was used as a forum for drafting the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The composition and working methods of a possible Convention for the debate on the future development of the European Union might therefore be discussed. COSAC stresses the necessity that national Parliaments are given a strong role in a body of this sort.

4. COSAC in itself is a suitable forum for the debate. COSAC is recognised in the Treaty and is entitled to forward contributions to the EU institutions. COSAC will continue to meet during every presidency and there is already a practical framework in place for COSAC and a Troika that ensures continuity. At the same time the rotating Presidency of COSAC facilitates that attention is paid to different aspects. COSAC has the virtue of including national Parliaments of the Member States and the candidate countries, as well as the European Parliament. The size of the delegations at COSAC ensures that different political views from each country are represented. Thanks to the regularity of the COSAC meetings, intense personal networks develop between participant members. Everyone involved may bring ideas from COSAC discussions to their national debate.

5. COSAC hereby declares its intention to actively follow and participate in the debate. COSAC intends to put the future development of the Union on its agenda at its meetings at least until the next IGC.

6. A COSAC Working Group, which was set up during the Swedish Presidency, has discussed the role of national Parliaments and the European Union. COSAC has decided that the Working Group will continue its work and study the issues mentioned in the Nice Declaration.

Protocol on the role of the national Parliaments in the European Union
7. COSAC recalls what is stated in the Protocol on the role of the national Parliaments in the European Union, that scrutiny by individual national parliaments of their own government in relation to the activities of the Union is a matter for the particular constitutional organization and practice of each Member State. This means that the EU should function in a way that allows every national Parliament to work with EU matters in the way it decides for itself.

8. COSAC draws the conclusion that the Protocol on the role of national Parliaments has not been fully implemented since some parliaments claim that they do not receive the documents within the stated time limits. COSAC urges the institutions to ensure that the Protocol, which is an integrated part of the Treaties, is followed. COSAC notes that the Protocol does not explicitly say who it is that should "promptly forward Commission consultation documents (green and white papers and communications)" to national Parliaments. COSAC asks the Council of Ministers and the Commission to clarify the division of responsibility between them in this respect.

The new strategic objective of the European Union
9. COSAC, in the spirit of the Lisbon European Council, welcomes the acceptance by the Stockholm European Council of the recommendations drawn up by the COSAC meetings in Lisbon and Versailles regarding the Union's new strategic objective to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion. COSAC recognises the impulse given to this process by the Swedish EU Presidency.

Following-up of this Contribution
10. COSAC urges the institutions to take this Contribution into account. COSAC looks forward to the report on the future of the European Union that, according to the Nice Declaration on the Future of the Union, shall be presented to the European Council in G�teborg in June 2001 and expects the report to consider this Contribution. COSAC also notes that the main theme for the meeting in Stockholm in September 2001 of the Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments will be the role of national Parliaments in the European structure.