Resolution submitted
by the Committee on the Affairs
of the European Union of the German Bundestag
for the XXIV COSAC, Stockholm, 21-22 May 2001
Greater participation
by the national parliaments in the preparations for the 2004 Intergovernmental
The European Union's
democratic legitimation and transparency must be further improved
and safeguarded on a lasting basis. The process of drafting the
Treaty of Nice demonstrated very clearly that the IGC, as an instrument
to reform the European treaties, has reached its limits. For this
reason, the European Parliament and the national parliaments -
including the parliaments of the accession countries - must play
a more active part in the preparatory work, now commencing, for
the drafting of a constitution, which is part of the process for
the EU's further development agreed at Nice. In future, the parliaments
must be able to contribute substantively to the further development
of the European treaties. The EU's positive experiences with the
Convention during the drafting of the Charter of Fundamental Rights
should be taken into account when preparing the texts of new EU
treaties in future. As part of the preparations for the 2004 IGC,
a conference based on the Convention model should therefore be
convened in order to develop proposals for EU reform. A "Committee
of Wise Men" is an inadequate response to the demand for more
democracy and transparency in Europe's opinion-forming and decision-making
The participation of all the key civil society actors in a comprehensive
debate on the European Union's future must be guaranteed. These
civil society actors should be able to play a continuing and active
part in the drafting of a European constitution. This will also
help to ensure the greatest possible openness and transparency
in the further development of the European Union.