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puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) List of the COSAC

puce_bleue.gif (867 octets) Texts adopted

  star_small.gif (6019 octets)   List of the COSAC

XXX th COSAC Rome (Italy) - 6 th - 7 th October 2003
XXIX th COSAC Athens (Greece) - 4 th - 6 th May 2003
XXVIII th COSAC Brussels (Belgium) - 27 th January 2003
XXVII th COSAC Copenhagen (Denmark) - 16 th - 18 th October 2002
XXVI th COSAC Madrid (Spain) - 12 th - 14 th May 2002
XXV th COSAC Brussels (Belgium) -  4 th -5 th October 2001
XXIV th COSAC Stockholm (Sweden) - 20 th - 22 th May 2001
XXIII rd COSAC Versailles (France) - 16 th - 17 th October 2000
XXII nd COSAC Lisbon (Portugal) - 29 th - 30 th May 2000
XXI st COSAC Helsinki (Finland) - 11 th - 12 th October 1999
XX th COSAC Berlin (Germany) - 30 th mai - 1st June 1999
IXX th COSAC Vienna (Austria) - 23 rd - 24 th November 1998
XVIII th COSAC London (United Kingdom) - 18 th - 19 th Mai 1998 (only in French)
XVII th COSAC Luxemburg (Luxemburg) - 13 th - 14 th November 1997
XVI th COSAC The Hague (The Netherlands) - 9 th - 10 th June 1997
XV th COSAC Dublin (Ireland) - 15 th -16 th October 1996
XIV th COSAC Rome (Italy) - 24 th - 25 th June 1996 (only in French)
XIII th COSAC Madrid (Spain) - 8 th November 1995 (only in French)
XII th COSAC Paris (France) - 27 th - 28 th February 1995 (only in French)
XI th COSAC Bonn (Germany) - 24 th - 25 th October 1994
X th COSAC Athens (Greece) - 9 th - 10 th May 1994
IX th COSAC Brussels (Belgium) - 22 nd - 23 rd November 1993
VIII th COSAC Copenhague (Danemark) - 3 rd - 4 th Mai 1993
VII th COSAC London (United Kingdom) - 10 th -11 th November 1992
VI th COSAC Lisbon (Portugal) - 4 th - 5 th Mai 1992
V th COSAC The Hague (The Netherlands) - 4 th - 5 th November 1991
IV th COSAC Luxemburg (Luxemburg) - 6 th - 7 th Mai 1991
III rd COSAC Rome (Italy) - 1 st - 2 nd November 1990
II nd COSAC Cork (Ireland) - 10 th - 11th Mai 1990
I st COSAC Paris (France) - 16 th -17 th November 1989 (only in French)