
M. Marcel Colla, Pr�cident de la Commission des Affaires �trang�res
Ms. Mimi Kestelijn-Sierens, Membre de la Commission des Affaires �trang�res

M. Michel Vandeborne, Conseiller adjoint

Chambre des Repr�sentants
Mr. Georges Clerfayt, Member of Parliament
Mrs. Fientje Moerman, Member of Parliament
Mr. Patrick Moriau, Member of Parliament

Mr. Hugo D'Hollander, Principal Advisor/Secretary,
Committee on European Affairs
Mr. Dani�l Lucion, Clerk of the Committee on European Affairs

Mr. Jacob Buksti, Chairman of the European Affairs Committee
Ms. Elisabeth Arnold, Vice-Chairman of the European Affairs Committee
Mr. Kristian Thulesen Dahl, Member of Parliament
Mr. Jens Rohde, Member of Parliament
Mr. Claus Larsen-Jensen, Member of Parliament

Mr. Bj�rn Einersen, Head of EU Secretariat
Mr. Niels Hoffmeyer, EU-counsellor
Mr. Morten Knudsen, Representative of the Folketing to the EU


Dr. Friedbert Pfl�ger, Chairman, Member of Parliament
Prof. Dr. J�rgen Meyer, Member of Parliament
Mr. Michael Roth, Member of Parliament
Mr. Michael St�bgen, Member of Parliament

Dr. Michael Fuchs, Secretary of Committee
Ms. Sylvia Hartleif, Secretariat of Committee
Ms. Karin Gottschalk, Secretariat of Committee

Mr. Willi St�chele, Staatssekret�r/President of the European Affairs Committee

Ms. Regine Gautsche, Adviser

Congreso de los Diputados
Mr. Guillermo Martinez Casan, Member of Parliament,Head of delegation
Mr. Antonio Costa, Member of Parliament
Mr. Jos� Navas, Member of Parliament

Ms. Isabel Revuelta, Legal Advisor


M. Hubert Haenel, Pr�sident de la D�l�gation pour l'Union europ�enne
M. Pierre Fauchon, Vice-Pr�sident de la D�l�gation pour l'Union europ�enne
M. Serge Lagauche, Senateur

M. Jean Laporte, Directeur du Service des Affaires europ�ennes
M. Christian Oudin, Directeur-adjoint du Service des Affaires europ�ennes

Assembl�e nationale
M. Alain Barrau, President de la D�l�gation pour l'Union europ�enne
Mme Nicole Catala, Vice-Presidente de la D�l�gation pour l'Union europ�enne
M. Gerard Fuchs, Vice-President de la D�l�gation pour l'Union europ�enne

M. Paul B�bin, Chef du secretariat de la D�l�gation pour l'Union europ�enne
M. Christophe Lescot, Administrateur

Mr. Loukas Apostolidis, Chairman of the EU Affairs Committee
Mr. Manolis Keealoyiannis, Vice-Chairman of the EU Affairs Committee
Mr. Lambros Kanellopoulos, Member of the EU Affairs Committee
Ms. Maria Damanaki, Member of the EU Affairs Committee
Mr. George Rokos, Member of the EU Affairs Committee
Mr. Achilleas Kantartzis, Member of Parliament, Secretary of
the EU Affairs Committee

Ms. Margarita Toyia, Clerk, Department for European Relations
Ms. Katarina Damianidou, Staff Member

Mr. Pat Carey, Member of Parliament
Mr. Jack Wall, Member of Parliament
Mr. Helen Keogh, Member of Parliament
Mr. Brendan Ryan, Member of Parliament

Mr. M�che�l � Corcora, Secretary to the Joint Committee on European Affairs

Senato della Repubblica

Mr. Tino Bedin, President of the EC Affairs Committee
Mr. Giampaolo Bettamio, Vice-President of the EC Affairs Committee
Mr. Andrea Manzella, Member of the EC Affairs Committee

Mr. Marco D'Agostini, Head of the Office for European Union relations

Camera dei Deputati
Mr. Antonio Ruberti, President of the EU Affairs Committee
Mr. Alessandro Bergamo, Vice-President of the EU Affairs Committee
Mr. Francesco Ferrari, Vice-President of the EU Affairs Committee

Mr. Luca Poggi, Secretary of the EU Affairs Committee
Ms. Rita Palanza, Parliamentary officer
Mr. Gianfranco Neri, Parliamentary officer

M. Ben Fayot, Membre de la Commission des Affaires �trang�res et europ�ennes

Mme Marianne Weyer, Premier Conseiller

Eerste Kamer

Mr. Wim van Eekelen, Head of delegation
Mr. Kars Veling, Member of delegation

Mr. Leo van Waasbergen, Secretary of delegation

Tweede Kamer
Mr. Michiel Patijn, Chairman
Mr. Frans Timmermans, Member of delegation
Mr. Hans van den Akker, Member of delegation
Mr. Eimert van Middelkoop, Member of delegation

Mr. Jan Nico van Overbeeke, Clerk of delegation

Mr. Milan Linzer, Vice-President of the Federal Council
Mr. Albrecht Konecny, Member of the Federal Council

Mr. Peter Schieder, Head of delegation
Mr. Wolfgang Jung, Member of Nationalrat
Ms. Martina Gredler, Member of Nationalrat

Mr. Joseph Wirnsperger, Secretary of delegation
Ms. Ines Kerle, Co-Secretary of delegation

Mr. Manuel dos Santos, Member of Parliament
Mr. Jos� Saraiva, Member of Parliament
Mr. Joel Hasse Ferreira, Member of Parliament
Mr. Carlos Encarn��o, Member of Parliament
Mr. Silvio Cervan, Member of Parliament
Mr. Jo�o Amaral, Member of Parliament

Mr. Domingos Almeida Machado, Director of International Relations Department
Ms. Manuela Az�ia, Staff of International Relations Department
Ms. Ana Fraga, Clerk of the Committee on European Affairs
Mr. Jos� Manuel Ara�jo, Clerk of the Committee on European Affairs

Mr. Esko Aho, Chairman of the Grand Committee
Mr. Kimmo Kiljunen, Vice-Chairman of the Grand Committee
Ms. Tuija Brax, Member of the Grand Committee
Mr. Jouko J��skel�inen, Member of the Grand Committee
Ms. Outi Ojala, Member of the Grand Committee
Ms. Kirsi Piha, Member of the Grand Committee

Mr. S�ren Lekberg, Chairman
Mr. Lars F. Tobisson, Deputy Chairman
Mr. Paavo Vallius, Member
Mr. Mats Odell, Member

Mr. Willy S�derdahl, Member
Ms. Marianne Carlstr�m, Member

Ms. Ingrid Lar�n Marklund, Committee Secretary
Ms. Anita Linden, Deputy Secretary
Ms. Helena Onn, Press Secretary
Ms. Eva Sterndal, Principal Administrative Officer
Ms. Lena Birgersson, Senior Administrative Officer, International Office

House of Lords

Lord Tordoff, Chairman of the Select Committee on the European Communities
Lord Grenfell, Member of the Select Committee on the European Communities
Lord Hope of Craighead, Member of the Select Committee on
the European Communities

Mr. Tom Mohan, Clerk of the Select Committee on the European Communities

House of Commons
Mr. Jimmy Hood, Chairman of the European Scrutiny Committee
Mr. William Cash, Member of Parliament
Mr. Jim Dobbin, Member of Parliament

Ms. Elizabeth Flood, Clerk of the European Scrutiny Committee
Mr. Christopher Stanton, Representative of the National Parliament office in Brussels


Mr. David Martin, Vice-President of the European Parliament
Mr. Guido Podesta, Vice-President of the European Parliament
Mr. Johannes Voggenhuber, Vice Chairman of the Committee
on Constitutional Affairs
Mr. Elmar Brok, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Mr. Graham Watson, Chairman of the Committee on Citizens' Freedom and Rights

Mr. Philippe Ventujol, Head of Division for Relations with National Parliaments and Inter-Parliamentary Assemblies
Mr. Francesco Saverio Solari, Principal Administrator
Mr. Sten Ramstedt, Administrator
Ms. Patrizia Prode, Administrator
Ms. Laura Campopiano, Assistant of Vice-President Podesta
Ms. Patrizia de Sena, Secretary
Ms. Beatrice Scarascia Mugnozza, EPP Group
Mr. Christian Lange, PSE Group
Ms. Marijke Sickesz, PSE Group

Mr. Assen Agov, Chairman of Committee
Mr. Petar Bashikarov, Deputy Chairman of Committee

Ms. Antoaneta Hristova, Chief Adviser of Committee

Mr. Nicos Kleanthous, Vice-Chairman of Committee on Foreign and
European Affairs
Mr. Demetris Syllouris, Member of Committee on Foreign and European Affairs
Mr. Doros Christodoulides, Member of Committee on Foreign and
European Affairs

Mr. Yiannakis Georgiades, Director of International Relations Service

Mr. Jaroslav Zv�rina, Chairman of the Committee for European Integration
Mr. Vladimir Lašt�vka, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for European Integration
Mr. Richard Salzmann, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on European Integration

Ms. Olga Adamcova, Secretary of the Committee for European Integration

Mr. Tunne Kelam, Vice-President of the Riigikogu, Chairman of
the European Affairs Committee
Ms. Liia H�nni, Member of the European Affairs Committee
Ms. Liina T�nisson, Member of the European Affrairs Committee

Mr. Olev Aarma, Counsellor of the European Affairs Committee

Mr. Edvins Inkens, Chairman to the European Affairs Committee

Mr. Einars Punkstins, Adviser to the European Affairs Committee

Mr. Regimantas Ciupaila, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs
Mr. Justinas Karosas, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs

Ms. Šar�n� Kleinait�, Adviser to the Committee on European Affairs

Mr. J�zsef Sz�jer, Chairman
Mr. Tibor Szanyi, Deputy-Chairman
Mr. B�la Glattfelder, Deputy-Chairman

Mr. L�szlo Juh�sz, Counsellor

Mrs. Dolores Cristina, Chairperson of Committee
Mr. Chris Cardona, Member of Committee
Mr. John Vella, Member of Committee

Ms. Josanne Bonello, Secretary to Delegation

Mr. Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Chairman of the European Integration Committee
Mr. Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and
European Integration Committee
Mr. Jerzy Jaskiernia, Deputy Chairman of the European Integration Committee

Ms. Magdalena Skrzynska, Secretary to the Polish Delegation

Ms. Mariana Stoica, Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration
Mr. T�nase T�val�, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on European Integration
Ms. Hildegard Puwak, Vice-Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration

Mr. Leonard Orban, Secretary of the Romanian Delegation

Mr. František Šebej, Chairman of Committee

Ms. Julia Hurna, Clerk of the Committee for European Integration

Mr. Lojze Peterle, Chairman of the Commission for European Affairs
Mr. Janez Kramberger, Vice-Chairman of the Commission for European Affairs

Mr. Igor Sencar, Secretary of the Commission for European Affairs

Mr. Rainer Lau, Chef D'unit�/ Secretariat general

Mr. Ettore Mosca, Head of Division, General Secretariat of the Council of the EU
