- Copenhagen - October 16-18, 2002
Documents from the Chairpersons meeting,
16 September 2002
Belgium: Proposals for
strengthening the role of national parliaments in European
politics and for reforming COSAC, the Belgian House of
Representatives, 9/9-2002 
France: Assembl�e
Nationale et Le S�nat, Position commune, 10/9-2002 -
S�nat Fran�ais
- Lettre du President de la d�l�gation fran�aise,
Germany: Contribution
to the debate on a reform of COSAC, German Bundestag, 18/7-02,
Dr. Friedbert Pfl�ger
- Comments from the german Bundestag on the
danish proposal for a reform of COSAC, 14/8-02, Dr. Friedbert
Greece: The Hellenic
Parliament � Comments
Italy: Comments by the
italien Chamber of Deputies and Senat, 2/8-2002 
Luxembourg: Comments from
the Chambre des D�put�s, Luxembourg,13/9-2002

Sverige: "Control
of Subsidiarity by National Parliaments",13/9-2002, Swedish
Parliament - S�ren Lekberg 
United Kingdom: House
of Commons - Reform of COSAC - 11/6-2002 - Letter
from MP Jimmy Hood, 22/7-2002, House of Commons