Federal Advisory committee on European Affairs
Note on the methods of tabling and examining draft contributions
Pursuant to article 10.2 of the rules of procedure, each national delegation of Members States can table a draft contribution to the COSAC.
- The possible draft contributions should be sent to the presidency before Friday 7 September 2001 by e-mail ([email protected]).All possible drafts would be dealing with one of the themes on the agenda of the COSAC. To prevent any delay in the circulation of documents, it is required to send drafts both in French and English. Finally, the draft should not exceed one page.
- The presidency will send draft contributions to delegations by mail on Monday 10 September 2001 and will make them available that day on the COSAC website. To guarantee delegations "a reasonable period for scrutiny and remarks" (article 10.3 of the rules of procedure), they will send their possible comments on the draft contributions, in French or in English, before Monday 24 September 2001. All of those comments will be sent to delegations on Wednesday 26 September 2001 and made available that day on the COSAC website.
- The preparatory meeting of chairmen of delegations in pursuance of article 10.4 of the rules of procedure, will take place on Thursday 4 October 2001 at 6.30 p.m., after the first day of debates of the COSAC. Contributions will be decided upon by the COSAC on Friday 5 October 2001 at 11 a.m. in pursuance of article 10.5 of the rules of procedure.