Contribution from the Commission of European Affairs

XXV COSAC 4/5 October


  1. COSAC considers indispensable that the forthcoming decisions concerning the future of the European Union be discussed with a wider participation of citizens and institutions, both from within the political sphere as well as from the civil society. In this sense, the organisation of an european forum is advisable whereby a preliminary public debate should be held in order to prepare the forthcoming CIG. The results of this debate should be taken into consideration by the Conference. This initiative shall be organised as soon as possible so that the temporal limitations will not harm the levels of participation and of the in depth debate that needs to be ensured.
  2. The Union, whose institutional reform is vindicated, is a Union aimed not only at itself but also towards a better and more effective performance of its responsibilities in terms of the European citizens and the world. Asylum and immigration, social model, employment, sustainable development, food safety and international trade are fields where the capacity to assume responsibilities should immediately be professed.

  3. COSAC believes that the dimensions of the demographic, economics, social and civilizational problems which are presently at stake in terms of immigration and asylum demand effective regulations at European scale. Within the scope of the Union, and considering the opportunities offered by the Treaty of Amsterdam, it is believed that legislative and political decisions should be assumed, allowing for a greater co-ordination and integration, in matters concerning immigration and asylum.
  4. To enable a credible insertion in a globalised world, COSAC considers that the Union requires to safeguard and to project the added value typified by the European social model, without prejudice of the need to offer developing countries solutions and forms of public support, accordingly to the circumstance of representing the political space that today, at world level, provides the highest public aid for development.
  5. COSAC considers as one of the main concerns of the Union, the agricultural production quality, food safety and demand for a sustainable development, both at European and international levels, in the sense that its promotion and safeguard constitute one of the common agricultural policy vectors which reform is deemed necessary.
