


4th - 6th May 2003 in Athens


(Hilton Athens hotel)


Saturday, 3 May 2003

Arrival of participants/Accommodation at the hotels

Registration of participants (Hilton Athens hotel/Titania hotel)

Sunday, 4 May 2003

Daily cruise to islands of Saronic Gulf

09.00 Departure by bus from the hotels

21.00 Return to the hotels

Monday, 5 May 2003

09.00 Registration of participants at the Hilton Athens hotel (for delegates
arriving on Sunday)

09.45 Opening of the Meeting by the Chairman of the Committee for
European Affairs and Vice President of the Hellenic Parliament
Mr Dinos Vrettos

10.00 Welcoming address by the Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament,
Mr. Apostolos Kaklamanis

Adoption of the agenda

10.15 Adoption of COSAC's Revised Rules of Procedure

11.30 "Perspectives of the Hellenic Presidency of the European Union"
Presentation by the Greek Prime Minister, Mr Constantine Simitis


12.30 Coffee break

13.00 "Evaluation of the Works within the European Convention and the
Role of National Parliaments in the draft Constitutional Treaty"
Presentation by the Foreign Affairs Minister and Member of the European Convention's Presidium, Mr George Papandreou


14.00 Working lunch at the Hilton Athens Hotel

End of first session

16.30-18.00 Chairpersons Consultation on the draft COSAC Contribution

20.00 Departure by bus to "Athinais Cultural Centre" (34-36, Castorias str., )

20.30 Dinner hosted by the Chairman of the Committee for European
Affairs and Vice President of the Hellenic Parliament,
Mr Dinos Vrettos at the Art Hall of Athinais

Tuesday, 6 May 2003

09.30 "Establishment of a COSAC Secretariat"
Presentation of the Working Group proceedings, by Mr. Dinos


11.00 Coffee break

11.30 "Asylum and ImmigrationPolicy; Management of European Union
external borders"
Presentation by the Greek Minister for Public Order, Chairing the JHA
Council, Mr Michalis Chryssochoidis


12.30 Adoption of the XXIX COSAC Contribution

13.30 Lunch at Athens Hilton Hotel


1. Venue
Hilton Athens Hotel
46, Vas. Sofias avenue
11528, Athens
Conference Hall: Terpsichore A/B

2. Accommodation
Hilton Athens Hotel
Tel.: 30 210 72 81 000
Fax: 30 210 72 81 111

Titania Hotel
Tel: 52, Panepistimiou avenue
10678, Athens
Tel.: 30 210 33 26 200
Fax: 30 210 33 00 700

3. Secretariat
The Secretariat office for the Hellenic Parliament will be located in room Erato C (ground floor).
Tel.: 210 72 95 381-5, Fax: 210 72 95 380

The Secretariat office for the delegations will be located in room Erato B (ground floor).
Tel.: 210 72 95 391-4, 399, Fax: 210 72 95 390

The Press Office will be located in room Erato A (ground floor).
Tel.: 210 72 95 402,404, Fax: 210 72 95 401

Telephone service for local and international calls, as well as Internet and fax facilities will be available.

4. Registration
Registration will take place on Saturday 3 May 2003, at the hotels, from 19.00 to 21.00.
For delegates arriving on Sunday, 4 May, registration will take place on Monday, at the Hilton
Athens Hotel from 09.00 to 09.30.

5. Badges

All participants will be required to wear their identity badges during the Conference, as well as at all social events.
Badges are of five different types:

Delegates' Staff��������.yellow
Conference Secretariat�����

6. Interpretation
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in the eleven official languages of the European Union

7. Transportation
The Hellenic Parliament will provide transport to and from the Hilton Athens hotel for those
participants accommodated at the Titania Hotel, as well as from both hotels to all social events.

8. Medical care
In case of emergency, please contact the Secretariat of the Conference.

9. Bank
The hotel reception can take care of all foreign exchange.
A cash machine (ATM for euros only) is available at the hotel lobby.

10. Travel Agency
An information desk will be available at the Hilton Athens Hotel throughout the Conference

Contact persons
European Relations Department Fax 30 210 36 92 190
Ms A. Frangou, Mr M. Makriyannis, Ms V. Ioannidou Tel. 30 210 36 92 203-4, 194

Communication Department Fax 30 210 36 92 170
Ms V. Tzavara, Mr. G. Parissis Tel. 30 210 36 92 179

e-mail: [email protected]