working group meeting
19-20 March 2003 in Athens

Note regarding a three-year trial scheme
to improve secretarial support for COSAC
(proposal of the Danish delegation)
Copenhagen, 14 March 2003
The issue of a COSAC secretariat has been discussed by
COSAC for a con-siderable period of time.
It was decided at the COSAC meeting in Copenhagen on 17-18
October 2002 that a working group comprising the chairpersons of the
European Affairs Committees from the national parliaments and a
representative from the Euro-pean Parliament should draw up a proposal
describing how a secretariat could be established for COSAC.
This decision was approved by the XXVIII COSAC meeting in
Brussels on 27 January 2003, which therefore decided to continue the work
of investigat-ing the various aspects of the establishment of a COSAC
secretariat. COSAC asked the working group to prepare a decision so that
COSAC could present its views on the establishment of a COSAC secretariat
to the national parlia-ments. However, at the same time a minority of the
delegations at the meeting in Brussels expressed reservations regarding
the establishment of a permanent "COSAC secretariat". Among
these the Italian delegation suggested that sec-retarial support to COSAC
should instead be based on the staff from the par-liaments of the
Presidential Troika of COSAC.
It was therefore pointed out in Brussels that the final
decision on a secretariat should be based both on the work already carried
out by the working group and on the contributions from the delegations -
including the contribution from the Italian delegation.
The following conclusions from the working group are
therefore proposed, in that they can hopefully create a foundation for a
compromise, which pays due attention to the reservations of the minority
while respecting the wishes of the majority to establish a COSAC
1. Three-year trial scheme
A COSAC secretariat with three permanently appointed
employees and three employees seconded from the national parliaments which
comprise the Presi-dential Troika of COSAC will be established for the
purpose of strengthening secretarial support to COSAC for a period of
three years .
The purpose of establishing a COSAC secretariat is to help
to ensure the nec-essary continuity in planning and implementing COSAC's
work in an EU with 25 member states. It is proposed that employees from
the Presidential Troika states' parliaments be attached to the secretariat
for the period during which the individual parliaments are members of the
Presidential Troika. Each sec-onded employee will hereby be seconded for a
period of one and a half years. This will allow the national parliaments
of the member states to contribute with seconded employees every sixth
year (on average with 15 member states).
The Meeting of Chairpersons should lay down the overall
conditions for the activities of the COSAC secretariat, such as general
tasks and financing. The operational management of the COSAC secretariat
should be the responsibil-ity of the Presidential Troika. Finally, a head
of secretariat should be responsi-ble for the day-to-day management of the
secretariat. In consideration of the continuity of the secretariat's work
the head of the secretariat should be se-lected from among the group of
permanently appointed employees.
It is proposed that the permanently appointed employees at
the secretariat should be employed on terms corresponding to those of
employees in the EU's institutions. With regard to the details of the
appointment of employees these should be in accordance with their
qualifications and seniority .
Regular meetings should be held between the COSAC
secretariat and the permanent representatives of the national parliaments
in Brussels with the aim of performing tasks of joint interest and
exchanging information. Finally, the Meeting of Chairpersons could ask the
national parliaments to help in per-forming concrete, ad hoc tasks via
their permanent representatives in Brussels if this is considered
An evaluation of the work carried out by the COSAC
secretariat should be carried out well in advance of the expiry of the
three-year period for the pur-pose of a possible continuation of the
Conclusions :
a) A COSAC secretariat comprising three permanently
appointed employees and three employees seconded from the parliaments of
the Presidential Troika states should be established for a period of
three years.
b) The Meeting of Chairpersons should lay down the
overall conditions for the activities of the COSAC secretariat,
including general tasks and financing. The operational management of the
COSAC secretariat should be the respon-sibility of the Presidential
Troika. Finally, a head of secretariat should be re-sponsible for the
day-to-day management of the secretariat.
c) An evaluation of the work carried out by the COSAC
secretariat should be carried out well in advance of the expiry of the
three-year period for the pur-pose of a possible continuation of the
2. Financing
The costs of establishing the trial scheme will be limited
to the costs con-nected with appointing the three employees of the
permanent COSAC secre-tariat in the form of salaries, social welfare
contributions, pension contribu-tions, etc.
The costs will be covered by the national parliaments in
accordance with the principle of equal sharing of costs. If not all the
national parliaments are capa-ble of taking part in the scheme or do not
wish to take part in the scheme it is proposed that the costs be shared
equally between the national parliaments that wish to participate in the
trial scheme. However, it is a precondition for a financing solution of
this nature that all COSAC delegations acknowledge that the COSAC
secretariat can provide COSAC with support.
The costs connected with the seconded employees will be
covered by the na-tional parliaments that second these employees.
Finally it is proposed that the working group comprising
the chairpersons from the European Affairs Committees and a representative
from the Euro-pean Parliament presents a concrete financing model for the
increase in secre-tarial support at the forthcoming COSAC meeting in
Athens with the aim of making it possible for COSAC to present its final
view of the situation to the national parliaments. The working group may
obtain the necessary informa-tion from the national parliaments and the
European Parliament.
Conclusions :
a) The COSAC secretariat will be financed by the
national parliaments
b) If not all the national parliaments are capable of
taking part in or do not wish to take part in financing, the possibility
of financing the three-year trial scheme without the participation of
all the parliaments will be inves-tigated
c) The working group will present a concrete financing
plan for the COSAC secretariat at the COSAC meeting in Athens.
3. Location
It is proposed that the COSAC secretariat should be
located in Brussels, as has previously been recommended by the working
Concrete inquiries will be made at the competent bodies in
the European Par-liament and the Belgian Parliament with the aim of
obtaining more informa-tion on their ability to house the COSAC
secretariat before the COSAC meet-ing in Athens.
Conclusions :
a) The COSAC secretariat will have a permanent address
in Brussels
b) The COSAC Presidential Troika will inquire at the
European Parliament and the Belgian Parliament with the aim of obtaining
more information on their ability to house the COSAC secretariat before
the COSAC meeting in Athens.
4. Tasks
The task of the COSAC secretariat is to provide COSAC with
support and thereby to supplement the secretarial resources of the
parliament holding the Presidency. It is proposed that the tasks of the
COSAC secretariat should include:
a) assisting the parliament holding the COSAC Presidency
and the meeting of chairpersons in connection with preparing, convening
and organising COSAC meetings (ordinary as well as extraordinary),
b) providing the Troika meetings and Chairpersons' Meeting
with secretar-ial support and with support in connection with preparing,
organising and convening these meetings,
c) assisting with the preparation of drafts of
"contributions" from COSAC,
d) assisting COSAC in connection with co-ordinating and
exchanging informa-tion between the national parliaments, including
benchmarking and designat-ing "best practices", and functioning
as a "clearing house" in connection with evaluating the
principle of subsidiarity in the national parliaments,
e) preparing minutes of meeting held under the auspices of
f) operating an official archive containing COSAC's
documentation, and taking responsibility for operating COSAC's website,
g) assisting COSAC in connection with the enhancement of
co-operation be-tween the sector committees of the national parliaments.