4th - 6th May 2003 in Athens

congratulates the 10 new Member States of the European Union and welcomes
their members of Parliament and the 75 million citizens they represent. It
is thanks to common efforts that Europe is experiencing now a unique
moment in its history which confirms once more the strength of the values
and principles underlying the European model. It recognizes the efforts of
the remaining candidate countries on their way to full membership in the
EU and expresses its belief that these efforts will continue according to
the envisaged schedule and will lead to the same successful result.
2. COSAC regrets
the failure of the European Union to have a common position on the Iraq
crisis and believes that the EU must be a strong partner along with the
United Nations in the reconstruction of Iraq.
3. COSAC notes the
excellent work done so far by the Presidium and the Members of the
European Convention and hopes that its meetings will respect the time
schedule so that the draft of the European Constitutional Treaty may be
presented at the European Council of Thessaloniki. COSAC considers that
the next Intergovernmental Conference should be based on this draft and
that the new Treaty should be concluded before December 31, 2003, and
signed before the European Parliament elections. As decided in Madrid, on
May 12-14, 2002, COSAC considers it necessary to give a contribution to
the final text proposed by the European Convention.
4. COSAC expresses
its satisfaction with the comprehensive examination which has taken place
in the Convention on the important questions raised by the European
Council in Nice and Laeken, in particular on the strengthening of the role
of the national parliaments, the inclusion of the Charter of fundamental
rights in the draft constitutional treaty, the distribution of competences
between the European Union and the Member States according to the
principle of subsidiarity, the adoption as a general rule of the vote by
qualified majority and the procedure of co-decision and the simplification
of instruments and European decision making procedure.
5. COSAC hopes that
the progress achieved already in the Convention as regards the means and
methods necessary for the creation of a common area of security, freedom
and justice will also be sought for asylum as well as for a common
immigration policy, in particular with a view to better control of the
external borders of the European Union.
6. COSAC considers
it necessary that the new institutional balance of the Union continues to
respect the fundamental principles of the Union itself, applies the
community method and contributes to successful, transparent and democratic
7. Concerning the
role of national parliaments, COSAC believes that :
a) the proposals
by the Presidium of the European Convention on the role of National
Parliaments are moving in the right direction, especially as regards the
National Parliaments' ability to control the application of the
Principle of Subsidiarity, the need to be better informed by the
Commission, the Council and the Court of Auditors, as well as the
cooperation between the National Parliaments and the European Parliament
towards a more effective inter-parliamentary cooperation.
b) The role of
National Parliaments in the European Union should be awarded
constitutional recognition. This will be achieved by the insertion in
the text of the Constitutional Treaty of one article on the definition
of the principle of subsidiarity and one article on the role of National
Parliaments in the European Union. This should be followed by a detailed
protocol -or protocols- on the role of National Parliaments and
c) The
recommendations made by working groups I and IV should be respected in
the protocol or protocols to be annexed to the constitutional treaty, in
particular as regards the submission of an opinion under the early
warning system and the possibility of demanding a judicial review by the
European Court of Justice. In both cases it must be possible for
National Parliaments -or, in bicameral systems, for each chamber of the
Parliament- to act directly, whenever this is possible according to the
national constitutions.*
delegation of Luxemburg's Chamber of Deputies abstained from the
adoption of this paragraph.
d) The Convention
should take into account the need for better and timely information to
National Parliaments, including an official record of the legislative
proceedings of the Council.
e) The role of
COSAC (in paragraph 9 of the Convention draft Protocol on the Role of
National Parliaments), should be better clarified, following the model
of the Amsterdam Treaty Protocol.
f) The role of COSAC may be strengthened by providing to the EU
institutions the possibility of taking into account COSAC Contributions,
when in a position to do so.
g) Since the new
constitutional Treaty will be ratified by National Parliaments following
referendums in some member States, the role of National Parliaments
should not be underestimated.
8. Preparing for an
enhanced role of National Parliaments and for intensified
inter-parliamentary cooperation:
a) COSAC may
promote the exchange of information and best practices between National
encourages National Parliaments and the European Parliament to engage in
closer and more constructive cooperation.
c) COSAC supports
the best possible use of Information Technology for providing
information to and from National Parliaments, the European Parliament
and the EU institutions, accordingly to the standards of the IPEX
working group.
9. COSAC has agreed
on the adoption of its new rules of procedure, including the Copenhagen
Guidelines, as well as on Guidelines in view of the establishment of a
Troika Secretariat for COSAC.
10. The Italian
Delegation announced that the next COSAC meeting will take place in Rome,
on October 6 and 7, 2003.