- Conference of Committees for Agriculture of the parliaments of the Member States of the EU, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and the European Parliament
- Meeting of the Network of Parliamentary Committees for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the EU (NCEO) of the parliaments of the member states of the Union, the parliaments of Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey, and of the European Parliament arranged by the Dutch EU Presidency
- R�union de la Conf�rence des Commissions parlementaires pour l'Egalit� des Chances des femmes et des hommes de l'Union europ�enne (CCEC), des parlements des Etats membres de l�Union europ�enne, des parlements de Bulgarie, de Roumanie et de Turquie et du Parlement europ�en. Organis�e par le Parlement n�erlandais
- XXXII COSAC (Dutch Presidency)
- R�union ordinaire de la XXXII COSAC (pr�sidence n�erlandaise)