Previous COSAC
In focus


List of participants

������������������������������������������������������������������������������� XXVI COSAC ��������������

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MAY 12 � 14 MAI 2002



Austria / Autriche


�������� Mr Peter SCHIEDER, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee

�������� Mr Michael SPINDELEGGER, MP

�������� Mr Karl SCHWEITZER, MP

�������� Mr Ilse BURKET, MP

�������� Ms Ulrike LUNACEK, MP


�������� Mr Albrecht KONECNY, MP

�������� Mr Gerhard TUSEK , Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Joseph WIRNSPERGER, Deputy Head of the International Affairs Department

�������� Mr Gerhard KOLLER, Secretary of delegation

Belgium / Belgique

Chambre des Repr�sentants

�������� M. Herman DE CROO, Pr�sident de la Chambre

�������� M. Patrick MORIAU, MP

�������� Mme Anne BARZIN, MP

Delegation Staff

�������� M. Hugo D�HOLLANDER, Secr�taire Comit� d�avis Affaires europ�ennes


�������� M. Philippe MAHOUX, Pr�sident du Comit� d�avis f�d�ral des questions europ�ennes

�������� M. Jacques TIMMERMANS, Senateur

Delegation Staff

�������� M. Michel VANDEBORNE, Secr�taire de la d�l�gation

Denmark / Danemark


�������� Mr Claus LARSEN-JENSEN, Chairman of the EU Committee

�������� Mrs Charlotte ANTONSEN, MP

�������� Mrs Eva HANSEN, MP

�������� Mr Henrik KRISTENSEN, MP

�������� Mr Lars BARFOED, MP

�������� Mrs Elisabeth ARNOLD, MP

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Peter Juul LARSEN, Head of the EU department

�������� Mr Bjorn EINERSER, Head of the Convention Secretariat

�������� Mr Irli PLAMBECH, Counsellor

�������� Mr Bente ANDERSEN, Head of Protocol service

�������� Mr Morten KNUDSEN, Danish Parliament�s representative to the EU

Finland / Finlande

Eduskunta (House of Parliament)

�������� Mr Esko AHO, Chairman

�������� Ms Kirsi PIHA, Vice-Chairman

�������� Mr Jouko JAASKELAINEN, MP

�������� Ms Katja SYVARINEN, MP

�������� Mr Risto KUISMA, MP

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Peter SARAMO, Counsel to the Grand Committee

�������� Mrs Tiina KIVISAARI, Information officer

�������� Ms Sarita KAUKAOJA, Permanent representative of Parliament of Finland

France / France

Assembl�e Nationale

�������� M. Maurice LIGOT, Deput�, Vice-Pr�sident de la D�l�gation pour l�Union europ�enne


�������� Mme Isabelle ORIZET, Directrice du service des Affaires europ�ennes

�������� Mme Marie-France HERIN, Conseill�re, chef du Secr�tariat de la D�l�gation pour l�UE

�������� M. Fran�ois-Xavier PRIOLLAUD, Administrateur au service des affaires europ�ennes


�������� M. Hubert HAENEL, Senateur, Pr�sident de la D�l�gation pour l�Union europ�enne

�������� M. Claude ESTIER, Senateur, Vice-Pr�sident de la D�l�gation

�������� M. Denis BADRE, Senateur, Vice-Pr�sident de la D�l�gation pour l�Union europ�enne


�������� M. Jean LAPORTE, Directeur du Service des Affaires europ�ennes

�������� M. Fran�ois SICARD, Conseiller au service des Affaires europ�ennes

Germany / Allemagne


�������� Prof. Dr J�rgen MEYER, Deputy

�������� Mr Arnold VAATZ, Deputy

�������� Mrs Hedi WEGENER, Deputy

�������� Mr Michael STUEBGEN, Deputy/MP

Delegation Staff

�������� Dr Michael FUCHS, Adviser

�������� Ms Sylvia HARTLEIF, Adviser

�������� Mr Hans RUBBEL, Adviser


�������� Dr Cristoph-E. PALMER, Minister Chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs

Delegation Staff

�������� Dr Claus-Peter CLOSTERMEYER, Adviser to Minister Dr. Palmer

�������� Mr Wolfgang FISCHER, Head of the Secretariat of the Committee on European Union Affairs

�������� Mr Claus Dieter KOGGEL, Adviser

Greece / Gr�ce

Vouli Ton Ellinon (Hellenic Parliament)

�������� Mr Dinos VRETTOS, Chairman of the EU Affairs Committee

�������� Mrs Elisavet PAPAZOI, MP

�������� Mrs Maria ARSENI, MP

�������� Mr Stavros KALOYIANNIS, MP

�������� Mr Antonis SKYLLAKOS, MP

�������� Mrs Maria DAMANAKI, MP

Delegation Staff

�������� Mrs Anastasia, FRANGOU, Counsellor EU Relations

�������� Ms Christina VRETTOU, Chairman�s secretary

�������� Mrs Katerina GIKA, Public Relations

�������� Mr Andreas MAKRIDIS, Public Relations

Ireland / Irlande

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Siobhan MALONE, Secretariat Committee European Affairs

Italy / Italie

Camera dei Deputati (Chamber of Deputies)

�������� Mr Giacomo STUCCHI, Chairman of the EU policies committee

�������� Mr Antonino STRANO, Vice-Chairman of the EU policies committee

�������� Mr Mauro ZANI; Vice-Chairman of the EU policies committee

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Alberto MENCARELLI, Counsellor, EU policies committee secretary

Senato (Senate)

�������� Mr Mario GRECO, President of the EU Affairs Committee

�������� Mr Antonio GIRFATTI, Vice-President of the EU Affairs Committee

�������� Mr Andrea MANZELLA, Vice-Chairman of the EU Affairs Committee

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Luigi GIANNITI, Chef Bureau Affaires EU

�������� Mr Gaetano SCUDERI, DirecteurService Affaires Internationales

Luxembourg / Luxembourg

Chambre des D�put�s

�������� Mr Laurent MOSAR, D�put�, Pr�sident de la D�l�gation

�������� Mr Ben FAYOT, Deput�

�������� Mr Gast GIBERYEN, D�put�

�������� Mr Jean HUSS, D�put�

Delegation Staff

�������� Mrs Isabelle BARRA, Secr�taire de la d�l�gation

Netherlands / Pays Bas

Tweede Kamer

�������� Mr Jan TE VELDHUIS, Chairman of Committee

�������� Mrs Olga SCHELTEMA-DE NIE, MP

�������� Mr Eimert VAN MIDDELKOOP, MP

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Frank MITTENDORFF, Secretary of delegation

Eerste Kamer

�������� MrCobi DE BLECOURT-MAAS, MP

�������� Mr Wim VAN EEKELEN, MP

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Leo VAN WAASBERGEN, Secretary of delegation

Portugal / Portugal

Assambleia da Rep�blica

�������� Mr Jaime GAMA, Chairman

�������� Mr Antonio NAZARE-PEREIRA, MP

�������� Mrs Maria Eduarda AZEVEDO, MP

�������� Mr Antonio ALMEIDA HENRIQUES, Deputy

�������� Mr Alberto COSTA, Deputy

�������� Mr Basilio HORTA, Deputy

Delegation Staff

�������� Mrs Maria Teresa PAULO, Clerk

Spain / Espagne

Cortes Generales (Spanish Parliament)

�������� Mr Josep BORRELL, Chairman of the Joint Committee on European Affairs

�������� Mr Guillermo MARTINEZ-CASA�, MP

�������� Mr Ignasi GUARDANS, MP

�������� Mr I�aki ANASAGASTI, MP

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Jos� Manuel BRETAL

�������� Mrs Sylvia MARTI, Legal Adviser

�������� Mrs Carmen DOMINGUEZ, Administrative Staff

Sweden / Su�de

Riksdag (Swedish Parliament)

�������� Mr S�ren LEKBERG, MP Chairman of the Committee on EU Affairs

�������� Mr G�ran LENNMARKER, Deputy-Chairman of the Committee on EU Affairs

�������� Mrs Berit ANELNOR, MP

�������� Mr Inge CARLSSON, MP

�������� Mr Mats ODELL, MP

�������� Mr Willy S�DERDAHL, MP

Delegation Staff

�������� Mrs Ingrid LAREN MARKLUND, Head of Secretariat

�������� MrBengt OHLSSON, Deputy Secretary

�������� Mrs Eva STERNDAL , Administrative Officer

United Kingdom / Royaume-Uni

House of Commons

�������� Mr Jimmy HOOD, Chairman of the European Scrutiny Committee

�������� Mr Mark HENDRICK, MP

�������� Mr Angus ROBERTSON, MP

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Dorian GERHOLD, Clerk of the European Scrutiny Committee

�������� Mr Nick WALKER, National Parliament office representative

House of Lords

�������� Lord BRABAZON OF TARA, Chairman of the European Committee

�������� Baroness HARRIS OF RICHMOND

�������� Lord SCOTT OF FOSCOTE

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Simon BURTON, Clerk of European Committee

European Parliament / Parlement europ�en

�������� M. David MARTIN, Vice-Pr�sident du Parlement europ�en

�������� M. Guido PODESTA, Vice-Pr�sident du Parlement europ�en

�������� M. Giorgio NAPOLITANO, Pr�sident de la commission pour les affaires constitutionnelles

�������� M. Elmar BROK, Pr�sident de la commission pour les affaires �trang�res, des droits de l�homme, de la s�curit� commune et de la politique de d�fense)

�������� M. I�igo MENDEZ DE VIGO, Pr�sident de la d�l�gation du Parlement europ�en � la Convention sur l�Avenir de l�Union et Membre du Praesidium de la Convention)

�������� M. Pedro MARSET CAMPOS, Membre de la commission pour les affaires �trang�res, des droits de l�homme, de la s�curit� commune et de la politique de d�fense


������� M. Ezio PERILLO, Directeur

������� M. Philippe VENTUJOL, Chef de division

������� M. Francisco GOMEZ MARTOS, Administrateur principal

������� M. Etienne BOUMANS, Administrateur principal

������� Mme Patrizia DE SENA, Secr�taire

������� Mme Beatrice SCARASCIA MUGNOZZA, Fonctionnaire du Groupe PPE

������� Mme Maria Odilia HENRIQUES, Fonctionnaire du Groupe PSE

������� Mme Marisol GUIRAO GALDON, Fonctionnaire du Groupe PSE

������� Mme Stefania GAZZINA, Assistante parlementaire du Vice-Pr�sident M. Podest�

������� Mme Mar�a Teresa CALVO,Fonctionnaire Bureau InformationParlement Europeen


Bulgaria / Bulgarie

National Assembly

�������� Mr Evgeni KIRILOV, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on European Integration

�������� Mrs Kamelia KASSABOVA, Vice-ChairmanI

�������� Mrs Darinka STANTCHEVA, Member of the Committee on European Integration

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Mila ASENOVA, Adviser of the Committee on European Integration

Cyprus / Chypre

Vouli Ton Antiprosopon (House of Representatives)

������� Mr Tassos PAPADOPOULOS, Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs

������� Mr Andreas CHRISTOU, MP

������� Mr Demetris SYLLOURIS, MP

������� Mr Doros THEODOROU, MP

Delegation Staff

������� Mrs Marina ADAMIDOU-GAROYIAN, International Relations Officer

Czech Republic / R�publique Tch�que

Poslanecka Snemovna (Chamber of Deputies)

������� Mr Jaroslav ZVERINA, Chairman of the Committee for European Integration

������� Mr Vladimir LASTUVKA, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for European Integration

Delegation Staff

������� Mrs Olga ADAMCOVA, Secretry of the Committee for European Integration


������� Mr Jiri SKALICKY, Chairman of the Committee on European Integration

Estonia / Estonie

�������� Riikogu (National Assembly)

�������� Mr Tunne KELAM, Chairman of the European Affairs Committee

�������� Mr Peeter KREITZBERG, MP

�������� Mrs Liia HANNI, MP

Delegation Staff

������� Mr Olev AARMA, Counsellor of the European Affairs Committee

Hungary / Hongrie

Orsz�ggy�l�s (National Assembly)

������� Mr Jozsef SZAJER, Chairman of the Committee on European Integration Affairs

������� Mr Richard H�RCSIK, Deputy-Chairman

������� Mr Tibor SZANYI, Deputy-Chairman

Delegation Staff

������� Mr Laszlo JUH�SZ, Consellor

Latvia / Lettonie


�������� Mr Edvins INKENS, Chairman of the European Affairs Committee

Delegation Staff

�������� Ms Baiba ENDZELE, Adviser of the European Affairs Committee

Lithuania / Lithuanie

Seimas (Parliament)

�������� Mr Justinas KAROSAS, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs

�������� Mr Klemensas RIMSELIS, Member of the Committee

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Aurimas ANDRULIS, Adviser

Malta / Malte

House of Representatives

�������� Mr John VELLA, Deputy Member of Foreign Affairs Committee

�������� Mr Chris CARDONA, Deputy

�������� Mr Victor GALEA, Deputy

Poland / Pologne


�������� Mr J�zef OLESKY, Chairman of the European Commitee

�������� Mrs Genowefa GRABOWSKA,Chairperson of European Integration Committee

�������� Mr Aleksander SZCZYGTO, Vice-Chairman of the European Committee

Delegation Staff

�������� Mrs Magdalena SKRZYNSKA, Secretary of the delegation

Roumania / Roumanie

Chamber of Deputies

�������� Mr Traian DOBRE, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for European Integration


�������� Mr Liviu MAIOR, Chairman of the Committee on European Integration

Delegation Staff

�������� Mrs Madalina MIHALACHE, Counsellor for foreign parlamentary relations

Slovaquia / Slovaquie

Narodna Rada (National Council)

�������� Mr Frantisek SEBEJ, Chairman of the Committee for European Integration

�������� Mr Arpad DUKA-ZOLYOMI, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for European Integration

Delegation Staff

�������� Ms Olga MARCAKOVA, Committee Secretary

Slovenia / Slov�nie

Drzavni Zbor (National Assembly)

�������� Mr Alojz PETERLE, Chairman of the Committee for European Affairs

�������� Mr Bogdan BAROVIC, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for European Affairs

Delegation Staff

�������� Ms Polona SENK, Adviser

Turkey / Turquie

T�rkiye B�y�k Milet Meclisi (Grand National Assembly)

�������� Ms. Ayfer YILMAZ, MP

�������� Mr Kursat ESER, MP

�������� Mr Ismail BOZDAG, MP

Delegation Staff

�������� Mr Ercan ATAK, Adviser


European Commission / Commission europ�enne

�������� Mr Andrea PIERUCCI, Chef d�unit�

Council of the EU / Conseil UE

�������� Mrs Marta ARPIO, Conseiller Juridique

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