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In focus


Meeting Information

Meeting site
The Swedish Parliament (Riksdagen)
SE-100 12 Stockholm,
Sweden Entrance:
Riksplan Telephone: +46 8 786 40 00 (switchboard)
Fax: +46 8 786 61 63
Meeting venue
The meeting will be held in the Gallery (Sammanbindningsbanan), which is located in the East building of Parliament (see attached map).
Bus transportation will be provided from Hotel Sergel Plaza.
Participants will receive their identity badges and other material when they register at the meeting venue at 08.30 on the 9 April.
Security and identity badges
The Riksdag will implement appropriate security measures. All participants are requested to wear their identity badges throughout the entire meeting.
Medical service
A qualified nurse will be available during the meeting hours.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English and French.
Meeting Service
Telephone, fax services and computers with Internet connection will be available.
Press service
Questions related to the press and other media can be addressed to Ms Nadja Debove H�ggstr�m, phone: 08-786 42 83.
Web sites
Coffee breaks
Besides coffee breaks a permanent coffee and tea service will be provided during the Meeting.
In the parliament buildings, smoking is restricted to certain areas marked by signs. Smoking is not permitted in other areas. Delegates are kindly requested to respect this rule.
Ms Ingrid Lar�n Marklund
Committee Secretary
08-786 43 05
Mr Hans Hegeland
Deputy Secretary
08-786 42 70
Ms Anita Linder
Deputy Secretary
08-786 44 16
Ms Eva Sterndal
Principal Administrative Officer
08-786 43 54
Ms Frida Sandehorn
Senior Clerical Officer
08-786 58 27
Ms Monica H�glund
Senior Clerical Officer
08-786 42 46
Mr Joachim Claesson
Clerical Officer
08-786 42 14
Ms Eva Brolin Conference
co-ordinator, International Department
08-786 41 42
General information
Scandic hotel Sergel Plaza
Brunkebergstorg 9
SE 103 27 Stockholm
Phone + 46 8 517 263 00
Fax + 46 8 517 263 11
Arlanda airport
To reach central Stockholm from Arlanda airport, delegations are advised to either take a taxi, use the high-speed train "Arlanda Express" or take the Airport bus.
Bank office
Drottninggatan 4
Phone: 08-791 67 00
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10.00-16.00
Exchange office
Hamngatan 37, Gallerian
Phone: 08-20 22 77
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10.00-19.00
You can also change at the Bank and Post office for a small fee.
Apoteket Korpen.
V�sterl�nggatan 16, Phone: 08-20 28 20, Fax: 08-10 15 66 Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10.00-18.00
Temperatures in April can vary between zero and +10 degrees Celsius.
Post office
Main entrance of the Riksdag
Riksgatan 1
Phone: 08-781 22 25
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 11.30-17.30
(closed for lunch 13.45-14.30)
Staff working at the main entrance of the Swedish Parliament will assist you if you need a taxi. The fare may be paid in cash or by credit card.
Taxi Stockholm
08-15 00 00
Taxi 020 020-93 93 93
Taxikurir 08-30 00 00

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