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COSAC meetings
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Meeting of Finance Committees
Place and time: Vienna - May 29th 2006
Joint meeting of the committees of Foreign Affairs and Defence Policy
Place and time: European parliament PHS 3C50 - May 30th 2006
Meeting of Environment Committees
Place and time: Vienna - June 16th 2006
Conference of Speakers of the Parliaments of the EU
Place and time: Copenhagen - June 29th 2006 - July 1st 2006
COSAC chairpersons meeting and COSAC Troika
Place and time: Helsinki - September 11th 2006
Meeting of Foreign affairs Committees and Development and Cooperation Committees
Place and time: Helsinki - September 28th 2006 - September 29th 2006
Joint Committee Meeting on Development
Place and time: European parliament - October 4th 2006
Meeting of Agricultural Committees
Place and time: Helsinki - October 12th 2006 - October 13th 2006
Meeting of Defence Committees
Place and time: Helsinki - October 20th 2006
Meeting of Equality Committees
Place and time: Helsinki - October 31st 2006 - November 1st 2006
XXXVI meeting of COSAC
Place and time: Helsinki - November 20th 2006 - November 21st 2006

February 2006
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